Ten reasons to eat more cranberries

Cranberries are a traditional winter berry. Its sour taste, deep red color and availability have made it one of the most popular berries. If we are used to going to the swamp for cranberries, then in the West it is grown by farmers: about 40 hectares of swamps are allotted for growing cranberries in America. A perennial “vine” of cranberries can bear fruit for up to 150 years! Below are ten virtues that are inherent in both raw fresh cranberries in the season of its ripening, and dried, frozen and soaked – all year round. 1. Among all berries, cranberries are in one of the first places in terms of the content of phytochemicals (phytochemicals are useful substances contained in plants that help protect our cells in various ways). Scientists have found more than 150 phytochemicals in this berry, and they are sure to find more. 2. Cranberries have a well-studied, unique property to reduce the ability of certain bacteria to develop infection in our body. Most people have heard that cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract. But what you may not know is that cranberries have a similar ability to keep bacteria from growing in the stomach (reducing the risk of stomach ulcers) and in the mouth (reducing the chances of plaque and cavities). 3. If you want to reduce chronic inflammation associated with the degenerative diseases of aging, cranberries are your ally. Cranberries are a strong antioxidant. 4. Cranberry heals the walls of the arteries, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease. 5. Although not as obvious, there is growing evidence that cranberries can fight viral infections and reduce the risk of cancer through various cell function-protecting effects. Researchers are also studying whether this berry helps protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease. 6. Even if the nutrients in cranberries are not fully absorbed, they signal the genes and defense mechanisms of your body to work harder. 7. Cranberries are rich in healthy fiber and vitamin C. 8. Cranberries have a great color that will make your food more attractive and appetizing. This is a great natural food coloring. 9. Cranberries are easy to prepare. In ten minutes, you can cook an excellent fruit drink or sauce from frozen or fresh cranberries. 10. The sour taste of cranberries will perfectly complement the taste of rice, potatoes, beans, lettuce, sauerkraut and other healthy foods. You can store cranberries frozen (before freezing, they should be washed). Do not defrost before cooking. You should not buy cranberry juices and fruit drinks in stores. Most of them are highly diluted and contain too much sugar or artificial sweeteners. Instead, make a homemade fruit drink (by squeezing raw cranberries, adding water to them and sweetening to taste; or by boiling whole cranberries with water and natural sweetener). Of course, it is best to eat whole cranberries. Whole cranberries make a great chutney or add berries to whole wheat baked goods. Invite cranberries to your table, enrich your diet with them – and they will share their beneficial properties with you.

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