Teeth whitening: everything to whiten your teeth safely

Teeth whitening: everything to whiten your teeth safely

Good teeth are a guarantee of health and beauty. To whiten your teeth, there are many solutions, natural or medical, about which you should be well informed so as not to take any risks. Here are our tips for whitening your teeth. Also discover natural solutions to have white teeth.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

This inconvenience can simply be due to hereditary causes. If you have fragile dental assets, it is not uncommon for the enamel to be easily damaged, which causes yellow teeth. Sometimes this yellowing comes from bad habits, such as overconsumption of coffee or tobacco.

To avoid yellow teeth, it is advisable to brush your teeth 2 times a day for 3 minutes. However, even a healthy lifestyle or scaling is not always enough, which is why the use of teeth whitening can give you a boost.

Teeth whitening: natural way or medical solution?

You can go for a natural solution or something a little more aggressive. For example, you will find teeth whitening kits in drugstores in the form of whitening pens or with a product to leave under a gutter.

You can also go to an institute, a specialized salon or a dental office if you wish to pass into the hands of an expert. If the color of your teeth is very altered, a teeth whitening treatment in a professional office would be more effective than a kit. In this case, the specialist may resort to several techniques with laser or a lamp. Find out about the different services offered around you and check the rates systematically, as these operations can be expensive.

If you want to go for a more natural and less harmful solution, brush your teeth with baking soda, lemon, or charcoal. To be sure not to take a wrong step, check out our homemade toothpaste recipes!

Medical solutions

Whiten teeth: action on the surface or in depth

The use of whitening toothpastes will produce a surface action. The micro-particles contained in these types of toothpaste will then remove superficial stains. Therefore, the effect will only be short-lived.

For more in-depth care, it is necessary to pass into the hands of an expert. He will then use more aggressive products, which will cause a chemical reaction using waves or lights. These techniques will therefore be more expensive because they use advanced equipment.

They will act directly and in depth on the natural color of your teeth. The action will be more chemical since elements like carbamide or hydrogen peroxide are used. The whole difference is in using a whitening light or infrared lamp, as their heat will raise the temperature of the tooth and the whitening product will stick to the tooth. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, this technique may be too invasive, so you should discuss the different options with the specialist.

For a softer technique, it will be necessary to opt for the home kits. The dentist can then provide you with a whitening product and a custom-made mouthpiece, however wearing the mouthpiece may be necessary for several hours a day: you must therefore be patient. Finally, you can use strip kits to get white teeth. The price-performance ratio is interesting, but you have to do a first test to see if there are no reactions, such as burning sensations or canker sores.

Whitening your teeth is not without dangers and side effects

The condition for successful teeth whitening is above all to have healthy teeth. In the event of accidental contact of the bleaching gel with the gums or the lips, beware of oral irritations or allergies. If tingling is felt after treatment, it is recommended to apply vitamin E provided in the kits to the affected areas. Before the treatment, you can also apply a toothpaste, gel or desensitizing mouthwash, because it is important to protect the gums during, but also after the treatment.

Tips after teeth whitening

After treatment, some people may experience tooth sensitivity for a few hours. This sensitivity will gradually disappear. The gel provided by your dentist or in the whitening kit will soothe this ailment and help the tooth to re-mineralize more quickly. After teeth whitening, it is recommended to brush your teeth gently for a few days, so as not to irritate the gums.


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