How to get rid of a cold sore?

How to get rid of a cold sore?

Cold sores are sometimes painful, unsightly, and most importantly, very contagious. To cure a cold sore, there are many remedies, from essential oils to patches, including homeopathy. Here is everything you need to know to treat a cold sore.

Causes of cold sore

The cold sore is caused by the herpes virus HSV1. It is a virus that is very contagious, and it is estimated on average that 70 % of adults are carriers. Don’t panic, in itself, the virus is not “dangerous”, it causes a tendency to develop cold sores on a more regular basis. In addition, the herpes virus HSV1 remains dormant in many people, sometimes throughout their lives.

In people who are not so fortunate, herpes HSV1 can manifest itself in different ways. The most common shape is on the lips and around the lips. But sometimes a cold sore appears on a cheek, chin, nose.

Several signs indicate the arrival of a cold sore: 24 to 48 hours before its appearance, we begin to feel tingling, a slight burning sensation, sometimes itching.

How long does a cold sore last?

If left untreated, a cold sore usually lasts 7 days. It is therefore not necessarily necessary to start a treatment, if you do nothing, the button will go away on its own. Even so, a cold sore can sometimes be very painful and unsightly. There are then several remedies for cold sores, some can even make a cold sore disappear overnight.

Before talking about remedies, it is also advisable to mention the actions to avoid when you have a cold sore. Avoid touching it as much as possible, so as not to promote inflammation. If you remove your makeup, do it gently. Avoid piercing the cold sore to prevent infection or unsightly scarring. Also, keep in mind that as long as the cold sore oozes, you are very contagious: we avoid kisses, we do not drink from the same bottle or the same glass as the others, and of course, we do not share. his lipstick.

Treat a cold sore with essential oils

Essential oils are a great way to treat a cold sore naturally. Two possible cold sore remedies: Ravintsara or Tea Tree. Thanks to their antibacterial properties, these essential oils will disinfect the pimple and calm the inflammation. You can apply 1 to 2 drops of essential oil directly to the cold sore, using a cotton swab. Be careful when using them, they are powerful active ingredients which, if applied in too large a quantity, can lead to skin reactions. Essential oils should not be used on a child, or during pregnancy.

To speed up healing, after a day or two, when the pimple begins to dry, you can mix the essential oil of your choice with a little honey. This will help repair the skin faster.

Homeopathy as a cold sore remedy

Homeopathy is a soft medicine that is practiced almost everywhere. Its principle? By taking a substance that causes our symptoms in very small doses, it cures the symptoms in question. This is the principle of “like which heals like”.

Homeopathy is very suitable for mild ailments, such as a cold sore. In most cases, the treatment will be as follows: one dose of Vaccinotoxinum 15 CH, then 5 granules of Rhus toxicodendron 9 CH and Apis mellifica 15 CH every hour. Homeopathy to treat a cold sore will get quick results. If you are often prone to cold sores, a preventive treatment can be implemented, do not hesitate to discuss it with your doctor, or with a homeopath.

Patches and creams to cure a cold sore

In pharmacies, you can find Aciclovir-based creams, which can treat a cold sore quickly. Some are on prescription, but do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice, who can tell you the best solution for the extent of your pimple.

In addition, he may also offer you a cold sore patch: this type of patch isolates the pimple, to prevent infections, and protect it so that it does not pierce. The skin is thus dry, in a healthy environment, which encourages rapid healing.

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