Taurus horoscope for 2019 – love, zodiac sign career, finances, family, Taurus and year of birth

The year 2019 is approaching, and according to the Chinese calendar, it will become the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, a cheerful, energetic, but very unpredictable animal. What will the eccentric Pig bring us? Will she be a generous and indulgent assistant, or will she decide to test our strengths all of us? The stars reassure: although the Pig is capricious, she wishes her subjects happiness. Sweet Piggy wants us to appreciate what we have and enjoy every new day. Along with this, she will teach us to be purposeful and not be afraid of obstacles that arise on the way to a dream.

The horoscope says that in 2019 the ability to communicate will play an important role. It will help you meet the right people, build relationships with loved ones and easily find ways out of even the most difficult situations.

Horoscope for 2019 Taurus – general trends

According to the horoscope, 2019 will be a time of great change for Taurus, both external and internal. Trying to arrange your own life and help everyone around you at the same time, you take on too many problems. And since Taurus absolutely cannot stand disharmony, you will have to learn how to prioritize. Decide what matters really require your attention, and where they can do without you.

From the very beginning of 2019, the horoscope advises Taurus to plunge into work. Clean up the “tails”, ask for new projects, take the initiative. February-March is the perfect time to settle work conflicts and show your best to your bosses. Your natural charm will help smooth out the rough edges, but try not to abuse your charisma. Your companion should be confidence, but not arrogance.

If you believe the horoscope, then by the spring of 2019, Taurus will be able to relax a bit. Still: the sun is shining, the birds are singing funny songs, and the heart is asking for love. There is no time for work. In addition, Taurus will awaken a craving for creativity and self-improvement.

Не упускайте эту возможность: учите иностранные языки, записывайтесь на бальные танцы, поступайте заочно на архитектора или займитесь фотографией. Главное, чтобы новое увлечение доставляло вам удовольствие. И кто знает: может быть, уже летом то, что начиналось как хобби, начнёт приносить вам хороший дополнительный доход.

Summer is better to devote to rapprochement with the family and home improvement. Hiking, family feasts, country chores, repairs are waiting for you. The horoscope for 2019 says that right from June Taurus will be besieged by close and distant relatives. Do not refuse them hospitality, otherwise they will hold a strong grudge against you. Moreover, one of the great aunts has been thinking about giving you a solid inheritance for a long time.

Throughout the second half of the year, Taurus will shine with talents and even be known as a walking idea generator. Add to this the amazing communication skills, and in the ability to build relationships with influential people, you will find no equal.

Чтобы высокий энергетический потенциал сохранился до конца 2019 года, в сентябре или октябре гороскоп рекомендует Тельцу отправиться в отпуск. Берите в охапку любимого человека, друзей и уезжайте на солнечное побережье. Нет денег? – Собирайте рюкзаки и отправляйтесь в турпоход. Свежий воздух, потрескивание костра и песни под гитару… Что может быть лучше!

Upon returning from vacation, you can return to work with fresh energy. The office has already been waiting for you: many issues require your direct participation. It is clear that you want to prolong this sweet feeling of peace after the end of the holiday, but the New Year holidays are ahead. Therefore, hurry up to complete all work matters before mid-December, otherwise the preparations for the festival will be in a hurry.

Taurus love horoscope for 2019

As for love, here the horoscope for 2019 promises Taurus a complete idyll. Fans will be dark. Moreover, both free and family representatives of the sign. However, what to hide: Taurus never suffered from a lack of admirers.

Family Taurus stars are asked not to get involved in flirting on the side, but, on the contrary, take a closer look at their spouse. Mumps gives you the opportunity to take a fresh look at the chosen one, refresh feelings, return romance. It is important to be sensitive and understanding.

2019 is considered a favorable year for planning and having children, so it’s time for many couples to wait for the stork. Even those families who are already desperate to have a baby, in 2019 will be able to start decorating the children’s room and run around the shops in search of discounts on romper suits.

Lonely Taurus in 2019 will definitely meet the very person with whom they want to connect their future life. Particularly nimble will play a wedding in the fall.

Taurus financial horoscope for 2019

If we talk about money, then in 2019 Taurus should not have a shortage of them. A caring Pig will teach you how to earn money, plan current expenses and even tell you where it is most profitable to invest money.

Usually, Taurus themselves find ways to earn money quite well, but they are not allowed to save money. Their wallet empties as quickly as it fills with brand new banknotes. Already in the middle of the month they have to borrow from friends until the next paycheck. Under the influence of Piggy, Taurus will become more economical: they will invest part of the funds in a profitable business, they will begin to save money for a rainy day.

Work and business with Taurus in 2019

The working horoscope for 2019 promises an increase for Taurus, however, for this you will have to try hard. Pig does not like lazy or dishonest people. But everyone who is willing to work hard will be rewarded according to their deserts. They are waiting for a promotion, a transition to a better job or a salary increase.

Тельцам-бизнесменам выпадет шанс расширить дело и заключить несколько выгодных контрактов. Только не торопитесь: внимательно читайте все бумаги и тщательно изучайте кандидатуры потенциальных партнёров. Хоть Свинка и попытается защитить вас от невзгод, мошенники не дремлют.

The horoscope also warns: in 2019, Taurus will be surrounded by flatterers and envious people. Be careful, because it is the one from whom you do not expect it at all that can strike in the back. Be especially careful with new acquaintances.

Health in Taurus in 2019

In 2019, Taurus is categorically contraindicated to get sick. There are great things ahead, interesting hobbies, important meetings. Yes, and competitors do not take their eyes off you. They are just waiting for you to loosen their grip so they can take advantage of your weakness.

Именно поэтому с самого начала 2019 года гороскоп просит Тельца беречь здоровье. Следует правильно питаться, отказаться от вредных привычек, чаще бывать на свежем воздухе и регулярно высыпаться.

With such a rhythm of life, there is a threat to the nervous system. Because Taurus must learn to relax. Meet up with friends, get out into nature, and try to never take work home or work weekends. In addition, it would be nice to devote time to sports.

Taurus horoscope by year of birth for 2019

Horoscope Taurus-Rat 2019

Taurus born in the Year of the Rat will experience the strongest competition in 2019. Don’t worry, it won’t stop you from getting yours. But in order to achieve significant success, you will have to be on the alert all the time and make sure that rivals do not take your place. Do not let outsiders into your personal life, otherwise there will definitely be someone who wants to turn your weaknesses against you.

Wanting to support their wards, the Yellow Pig will give the Taurus-Rat an amulet for good luck. Luck will help you to avoid “traps”, to smell a dirty trick a mile away. She will also tell you where it is better to look not only for business partners, but also for your future spouse.

The horoscope believes that the achievements of Taurus in 2019 will be much more significant if your main goal is a mutually beneficial partnership, and not sole enrichment. Therefore, do not pull the blanket over yourself. Focus on finding really good partners, work on strengthening old proven ties, learn to build an equal dialogue. Such business alliances are always beneficial. They allow you to use emerging ideas more efficiently, cover a larger segment of the market, and make fewer mistakes.

Horoscope Taurus-Ox 2019

Taurus, born in the year of the Ox, in 2019 will be given a choice: to leave everything as it is, or to break the road to a better future with horns. If you decide to go with the flow, the good-natured Pig will not punish you for inaction, but in this case you should not expect large gifts from her. She will quietly settle down next to you, completely forgetting that she should push you towards wealth and prosperity.

If you take the initiative into your own hands, Piggy will also not indulge in idleness. With her usual energy, she will start digging the ground to find an opportunity for you to advance in your career, earn money or even start your own business. Yes, and in his personal life without Mumps anywhere. With her sensitive snout, she will quickly understand which of the fans suits you the most, and quietly push you towards each other.

The family Taurus-Ox in 2019 is advised by the horoscope to become less selfish. Realize that you are not always right. And even when it seems to you that you are doing everything for the good of the family, it would be useful to ask the opinions of the rest of the household. Try to listen more and talk less, and then the atmosphere in the house will noticeably improve.

Horoscope Taurus-Tiger 2019

Taurus-Tigers are distinguished by nobility and some unknown power in their eyes. With such a Yellow Pig will not joke. If you are a Taurus born in the year of the Tiger, you can be sure of the strong support of the mistress of the year. From the beginning of February, the Mumps will put all the possibilities you want at your feet. But if you delay, you will miss your chance. The horoscope advises Taurus-Tiger right from the beginning of 2019 to roll up their sleeves and start implementing the most daring plans.

Take courage and patience. Even when couples in love walk around in the spring, you will have to spend all your time solving work problems. Yes, fleeting flirting is possible, but Taurus will have no time to get too carried away with the opposite sex. It is necessary to relax your vigilance for a while, and you risk losing your positions. First make sure that the main issues are resolved and everything is under control, and only then improve your personal life.

However, Taurus-Tiger always has a lot of admirers, whether he is a poor artist or the director of a large company. Therefore, you will not be deprived of attention. And when your financial affairs go uphill, then you will have to hide from the fans behind the high walls of a guarded mansion.

Horoscope Taurus-Rabbit 2019

Taurus, born in the year of the Rabbit, in 2019, the horoscope predicts big changes in the work area. Here your eloquence and the ability to convince other people that you are right will play a big role. However, moderate your ardor and take a look at your behavior from the outside. Don’t you think that your habit of teaching everyone is very insulting and annoying to others? Try to think about what you are planning to say and not judge other people’s actions unless you are asked to. Otherwise, instead of promotion, you will get a conflict with colleagues and superiors.

But when you learn to communicate a little more correctly, people will be drawn to you. This will open the door to new business connections and meeting very influential people who in the future can determine your fate, help you open your own business or transfer to a more interesting job.

As for love, then Taurus-Rabbit will remain inimitable. And although there will be many rivals, you will always stand out against their background. Free representatives of the sign will easily win the heart of the chosen one and, perhaps, will play a wedding in 2019. Their family brethren also have nothing to worry about: the spouses will not have the slightest desire to look to the side.

Horoscope Taurus-Dragon 2019

Taurus-Dragon in 2019 will look for ways to get out of his stupid energy. The pig will try to direct this energy in the right direction. From the very beginning of the year, set goals for yourself and achieve them. Do not be afraid of obstacles, the Dragon can handle any job. Feel free to meet new people, defend your interests, talk with management about promotion or transfer to another position.

However, the horoscope for 2019 believes that some difficulties may await Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon. And they will be associated with a loss of control over oneself. Some will be drawn to gambling, others to crazy spending. With this in mind, try to look for adrenaline in something more peaceful and safe. Go skiing or go kayaking.

As for unkind people, in 2019 you can not be afraid of them. The boar will gladly drive hypocrites and scammers away from you, and at the same time will give them fangs so much that they will completely forget about their intentions. Listen to your inner voice. He will tell you who to deal with and who to avoid.

Horoscope Taurus-Snake 2019

Змея с древности считается символом мудрости. Тельцы, рождённые в год Змеи, имеют спокойный, уравновешенный характер. Это помогает им вершить дела без излишней спешки, без глупых ошибок. Но как говорится, кто не рискует, тот не пьёт шампанского, а в 2019 году без риска трудновато. По мнению гороскопа, Тельцу-Змее будет сложно двигаться к намеченным целям. Свинья требует решительности и работы в коллективе, а такая перспектива Змее не по душе.

There are two options left: either move slowly forward and be content with little, or overcome yourself, rush to victory and get a bigger reward. Do not be afraid: becoming more persistent and active, you will only gain. However, if there is no desire to change, there is no need to force yourself. In any case, the year will be successful and will bring many pleasant changes.

In the love sphere of Taurus-Snake, the stars see only the good. However, slowness is out of place here. If you have already decided to create a family, feel free to grab the chosen one by the hand and drag him to the registry office. Don’t want a noisy celebration with an inexhaustible stream of relatives? Quietly sign and wave your honeymoon to the Maldives.

Horoscope Taurus-Horse 2019

For Taurus born in the year of the Horse, the horoscope suggests rest. No, do not quit everything and go on a trip around the world, but just relax a little and stop pulling everything on yourself. Perseverance and hard work are wonderful traits, but you don’t need to take on the problems of others. Friends and relatives are able to deal with many questions on their own. Instead, pursue your own career. You can manage people, so don’t sit too long in the position of an ordinary manager.

Those Taurus-Horses who have their own business can safely try their hand at politics. It is not necessary to immediately rush to the deputies, you can start small, and then – as it will.

According to the horoscope, the family life of the Taurus-Horse in 2019 will proceed calmly, without scandals. Replenishment is possible. Free representatives of the sign will be surrounded by fans, but it will be difficult for them to understand which of the admirers was sent by fate itself. They probably won’t find a permanent mate this year.

Horoscope Taurus-Goat 2019

Taurus, born in the year of the Goat, is surprisingly close in spirit to the Pig, so he will quickly find a common language with the ruler of the year. Taurus-Goat is optimistic, self-sufficient. He has a great sense of humor and easily enters into any company. The horoscope is sure that in 2019 these Taurus will not have big problems either at work or in their personal lives.

In the office, Taurus-Goat will easily resolve conflicts, correct the mistakes of colleagues, put insolent people in their place, and at the same time show the employer how well he copes with difficult issues. With such charm and confidence, promotion is not far off. And if there is a chance, you can completely change your job to a more prestigious one or even move to another city.

In the love sphere, the stars saw only one drawback: Taurus-Goat does not know how to take care of relationships. Paradox: with all his heart he strives for the hearth, comfort, but sometimes he is very capricious and uncontrollable. This causes conflicts and breaks. If you value existing relationships, work on your character.

Horoscope Taurus-Monkey 2019

The horoscope claims that in 2019 Taurus-Monkey will receive the medal of the most valuable worker. Management will appreciate your qualities such as communication skills, efficiency, responsibility and resourcefulness. They will be indispensable in conducting complex negotiations, resolving conflict situations. Such character traits make people leaders, so Pig will help you show your best side and get a higher position.

The bright charisma of Taurus, born in the year of the Monkey, will also help the Taurus businessman. Just do not go too far, otherwise the partners will feel out of place and change their minds about cooperating with you. The share of healthy humor is always appropriate, but you should not “monkey”. Also, you do not need to once again brag about your talents, although you have a lot of them.

The horoscope says that the chosen ones will idolize the Taurus-Monkey. You will show amazing softness, sensuality and kindness, and no one can refuse this. In response, you will receive many signs of attention. It is not surprising that in 2019, many representatives of this variety of Taurus will start a family and decide to have a child.

Horoscope Taurus-Rooster 2019

Taurus, born in the year of the Rooster, in 2019, the horoscope will present a lot of surprises. Mostly enjoyable. Just imagine: the work is going well, colleagues are jealous of your success, the boss is thinking about entrusting you with the most responsible project, and at the same time you still find time for love affairs and side jobs.

Yes, in 2019 Taurus-Rooster will be lucky in everything. If you want, open your own clothing store, if you want, move to the other end of the country, or if you want, go in for creativity or sports. Whatever your undertaking will bring success.

Are you planning to make some money? – Pig will help you get rich and save up for a brand new car or apartment. Of course, the money will not come to you on its own, you have to work. But it is worth making an effort, and wealth will not keep you waiting. Don’t forget to set aside some of the money for unforeseen needs.

That’s just the horoscope warns Taurus-Rooster: the height of your “flight” will depend on your emotional state. You are in dire need of understanding and support. So hold on tight to your friends, family, and loved one. They will always be your source of inspiration, your support and hope.

Horoscope Taurus-Dog 2019

Жёлтая Земляная Свинья обожает Тельцов-Собак. Они умеют наслаждаться жизнью без ущерба для рабочей деятельности. При этом Телец, рождённый в год Собаки, обладает завидной аккуратностью, ответственностью и способностью работать в коллективе. Хотя нельзя забывать, что Собаки часто лишены всяких амбиций, поэтому не стремятся к покорению больших высот.

Horoscope advice: if you belong to the Taurus-Dogs, but are not averse to taking off on the career ladder, you will have to partially reconsider your views on the world and the people around you. You are used to trusting everyone, but there are not the most honest people around you. As long as you don’t stand out from the rest, they portray goodwill and concern. But as soon as you prove yourself, they immediately put the bandwagon.

By nature, Taurus-Dogs are staunch family men, and 2019, according to the horoscope, is conducive to creating families, strengthening relationships and having children. So, if you are already waiting for a stork, very soon he will fly to your balcony. Get your undershirts and diapers ready!

Horoscope Taurus-Pig 2019

Piggy treats all those born in the year of the Pig with special care, because these are her direct wards. No wonder the horoscope claims that 2019 should be the best year for the Taurus-Pig. This year will open up opportunities for you that you never even dreamed of. Changing jobs, moving, buying an apartment, receiving an inheritance, a long-awaited wedding, the birth of a baby, recognition in the creative field … The list of benefits offered is endless!

Телец-Свинья многогранен: у него десятки талантов, он легко приспосабливается к любой ситуации. Поэтому вы можете попробовать себя в чём угодно. Только постарайтесь не размениваться по мелочам, не бросайтесь на все сразу. Заранее определите список конкретных целей, которых вы хотели бы достичь в 2019 году и уверенно двигайтесь по направлению к ним.

Let the mistress of the year sympathize with you, but do not expect everything to be brought to you on a silver platter. For the sake of a fair reward, you have to work hard. Difficulties are inevitable, but they won’t stop you, will they?

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