And again detox … apple!

No wonder there is a proverb: “He who eats an apple a day does not have a doctor.” Today we’re going to talk about apple juice cleansing, which is incredibly invigorating for the human body and detoxifies the entire body. The benefits of the main northern fruit are so extensive that peeling with apples has become one of the main cleansing methods in the arsenal of naturopaths. The apple detox consists of three days during which we drink plenty of apple juice and water. Needless to say, only fresh apples are suitable for this event. The best option would be your country houses, or from fruit bases that you trust. Most supermarket apples are treated with pesticides and waxes that are difficult to clean with water. So, the detox scheme: Fresh apple juice and water (As desired. The more the better). The way out of an apple fast is with two tablespoons of olive oil in the morning. This will stimulate digestion. For breakfast, any juice is recommended, especially carrot or celery. Lunch is a light fruit or vegetable salad. For dinner, a more substantial vegetable meal, such as rice, is allowed. you will be ready to return to your usual diet. It is desirable that it consists mainly of fruits and vegetables. In addition to the right diet, give the body the necessary physical activity. During a three-day detox, you may feel less energy than on regular days. However, this is not something to worry about at all. The body starts an intensive process of removing toxins. Purification implies that as a result you will be more energetic, productive, and lightness will accompany you inside. If you have long wanted to carry out a “general cleaning”, but still did not dare, then you should know: here it is – a sign from above! Take action!

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