A new look at caries part 2

1) Eliminate sugar from your diet Sugar is the first cause of tooth demineralization. Eliminate sugar, sweets and sweet pastries from your diet. Healthy sugar substitutes include honey, maple syrup, and stevia. 2) Cut down on foods high in phytic acid Phytic acid is found in the shell of cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds. Phytic acid is also called an antinutrient because it “binds” beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron to itself and removes them from the body. A deficiency of these minerals leads to caries. Of course, this is disgusting news for vegetarians, since legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds make up a large part of their diet. However, the good news is that the key word here is “shell” and the solution is simple: soak grains and legumes, germinate and grind seeds, as a result of these processes, the content of phytic acid in products is significantly reduced. Phytic acid is also found in foods grown with phosphate fertilizers, so eat only organic and non-GMO foods whenever possible. 3) Eat More Dairy and Nutrient-Rich Foods Dairy products contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for dental and oral health: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins K2 and D3. Goat milk, kefir, cheeses and organic butter are especially useful. Nutrient-rich foods also include: raw and cooked vegetables (especially leafy vegetables), fruits, sprouted seeds and grains, foods rich in healthy fats – avocados, coconut oil, olives. Also remember that the body needs to get vitamin D – try to be in the sun more often. And, of course, forget the fast food! 4) Use a mineralizing toothpaste Before buying toothpaste, be sure to look at its composition. Avoid toothpaste containing fluoride (fluoride). There are several manufacturers that produce the right toothpaste. You can also cook your own useful oral care product of the following ingredients: – 4 tablespoons of coconut oil – 2 tablespoons of baking soda (without aluminum) – 1 tablespoon of xylitol or 1/8 teaspoon of stevia – 20 drops of peppermint or clove essential oil – 20 drops of micronutrients in liquid form or 20 g calcium/magnesium powder 5) Practice oil cleansing of the mouth Oil cleansing of the oral cavity is an ancient Ayurvedic technique known as “Kalava” or “Gandush”. It is believed that it not only disinfects the oral cavity, but also relieves headaches, diabetes and other diseases. The procedure is as follows: 1) In the morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into your mouth and keep it for 20 minutes, rolling it over your mouth. 2) Coconut oil is ideal as it has strong antibacterial properties, but other oils such as sesame oil can also be used. 3) Do not swallow oil! 4) It is better to spit the oil down the drain rather than down the sink, because the oil can create blockages in the pipes. 5) Then rinse your mouth with warm salt water. 6) Then brush your teeth. Take care of your dental health and be proud of your smile! : draxe.com : Lakshmi

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