Tatiana Lazareva: “The desire to help is indestructible in the Russian person”

The famous TV presenter, mother of three children Tatyana Lazareva-about how to involve people in charity projects, what programs are not enough on television and how to educate children in the desire to realize their dreams.

Татьяна Лазарева: «Желание помочь неистребимо в русском человеке»

Photos freedomrussia.org

– What do you think, at what age a person begins to think about what he should do in life, what he will leave behind?

– I probably tend to idealize the world, it seems to me that a person does not think about it at a clearly defined age. Sometimes it comes when you’re young, sometimes later. But it would be much more correct to think about it all the time. These are the same questions you should ask your children.

My son is now 18 years old, he told us that he wants to go to college. And it seems strange to him that I ask why he chose this particular university, whether he will want to work in the chosen field in five years, when he receives a diploma, and whether he has other desires about what he should be. I believe that children, of course, should be grounded, so that they do not overestimate their capabilities, so that they look more closely at themselves and the world around them. But at the same time, children should never hide from their relatives, friends, and most importantly, from themselves, who they would like to become.

After all, the sooner they realize their desires, the more often they will ask themselves about their own realization — the better it will be for them and for others. For a person, happiness is if he understands that he has realized himself. And the lack of dreams, the fear of telling about the cherished desire leads to the fact that teenagers tend to either become singers or top managers.

– What is your personal history?

– My implementation took place in the “OSP-studio”. I have a feeling that I did everything in this project that I could and could do 100 percent — I sang, played, and participated in directing. After the “OSP-studio”, I am much more calmly considering further offers — participation in films, theater productions or musicals.

But as a child, I was a closed child, hiding that I dreamed of the stage, and I did not tell my parents about my bold dreams. I tried to enter the theater, but I studied at the Pedagogical Institute and the Institute of Culture. But in the end, it turned out that I was on stage. It just didn’t happen right away, but I got what I wanted. 

– Why do you think not everyone is able to realize themselves? After all, many people who realize that they have not found themselves in life, someone is disappointed.

– Yes, unfortunately, there are many such examples among my friends and acquaintances. It seems to me that these people simply have too much distance between their desires, ambitions, vanity and how ready they are for what they dream of.

Everyone is thinking about what rewards are waiting for them in the very near future, but they do not think about what efforts must be made to succeed. And although this seems to be a well-known truth, this is what is often miscalculated. Without hard work, nothing will work.

And it is also very important that a person loves and is loved. This feeling is necessary, without it there is no life, no realization, there is nothing.

Татьяна Лазарева: «Желание помочь неистребимо в русском человеке»

– Some time ago, the volunteer movement, the creation of charitable foundations was at its peak. How do you assess the situation with charity now: how ready is society, and what or who is missing, so that people do not just drop a coin, but actually help those who need help?

– Faith in charity was undermined by the 2000s, when fake foundations and public organizations raised money ostensibly to help the sick or orphans. Now the volunteer movement is being revived again. But I was faced with the fact that some of my colleagues are confident in the degree of fame: in no case should you advertise your involvement in charity. For example, you transferred money to the account of an orphanage, well done, do not tell anyone about it. Be more modest, do not PR at the expense of orphans or disabled people.

But I am sure that actors, artists, musicians-everyone should talk about charity openly and as often as possible. What is it for? Fans, family and friends of fans will find out about this. And they will follow the one they believe, the one they love.

Here, for example, Konstantin Khabensky opened a charity fund, and his fans are sure that the actor will not deceive. They know that this is a person who has gone through a lot, his project is working. Many are ready to participate in it.

I, Mikhail Shats and Alexander Pushnoy-we became trustees of the charitable foundation “Creation”. And I really want as many people as possible to find out about this and join either us or any other charity project. 

– Does fame help you in the work of the foundation?

– Yes, absolutely. And I am sure that fame should be used to reach the right official, make him work or find funds to help sick children. Or hold a charity auction. It is charity fairs that help people not only to participate in the work of foundations, but also to think for a while about life, and about the fact that someone in this world needs help and support.

Татьяна Лазарева: «Желание помочь неистребимо в русском человеке»

– In December 2013, Moscow hosted the “Soul Bazaar” — 68 charitable organizations were represented on one site. Thousands of visitors, collected only a few million rubles. You also participated in the fair, what do you think is missing for the development of charity?

– Not enough information. It should go on a level much greater than word of mouth or Facebook. People should understand such a volunteer movement, they should participate in charity, help each other. It doesn’t matter who and how you helped: you built a playground or cleaned the entrance, adopted a child or bought diapers for those who live in a nursing home. It is very important that a person knows that his neighbor or the director of the company is involved in the work of such and such a charitable foundation. Then charity will be spoken of as something important and necessary. And it will be easier for people to realize themselves in life, because everyone will have many different opportunities for this.  

– How to raise children so that they can find themselves when at a certain moment they are faced with the search for the meaning of life, with the search for themselves?

– I probably won’t say anything new. You can only educate by your own example and your own life. If you never read books, it is unlikely that your child will read books. If you watch TV shows every day, it is unlikely that your daughter or son will have other preferences besides TV.

Unfortunately, our TV does not provide any high-quality family product. If we watch a program about the life of stars-everything is too embellished and unnatural. And in the TV series – all the families are not quite adequate: all the time they laugh and make fun of each other.

Modern parents do not know how and do not know what to do with their children. There are no state programs, and the public initiatives that appear are too small and unable to work on the scale of a megalopolis, and even more so the entire country.

So I would just advise parents to remember their responsibility to their children. It lies solely on the dads and moms. 

– What advice do you give to those who think about volunteering, charity or social business at a certain moment?

– The desire to help is inexhaustible in the Russian person. And this desire must be realized. And I return to the beginning of our conversation: you see some problem or injustice, you take responsibility, you work and you see the result.

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