Tae Bo Express: 10-minute workout from Billy’s half the blank

The Express workout is from Billy’s half the blank will help you to conduct a comprehensive work on his body for a short period of time. Less time consuming but more result — that’s the motto of the program Tae Bo Express.

Program description Tae Bo Express

Billy Blanks has created a complex that will allow you practicing for 10 minutes a day, push ourselves to the maximum. His training is based on the method of Tae Bo: a combination of aerobics and combat sports. In this program, Billy uses the most effective techniques and styles, with which you will be able to lose weight and achieve a toned forms. Rapid and energetic workout Tae Bo Express has collected in itself the best of the courses of tai-Bo.

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The complex consists of 8 workouts, with a duration of 10 minutes. You can combine them or alternate in any order. They are all equally effective and perform their main function — to help you build the perfect body:

  • Kick Express: cardio, focusing on upper body
  • Fast Footwork: cardio with focus on lower body
  • Punch & Knee: cardio with intense work on the muscles of the abdomen and legs
  • Combo Express: cardio workout combining a variety of techniques
  • Power Punch: aerobic-power training of the upper body
  • Boot Camp Power: aerobic-power training of the lower body
  • Tae Bo Abs: work on press
  • Isolation Toning: insulation work on the muscles

To study you need only a chair. The program is not for beginners, but with sufficient endurance training can handle every. For best results, exercise daily for 30-40 minutes per day, alternating combinations of programs together. All workouts are based on interval load, so you’ll burn fat and lose weight. Strength training will help create the relief and to bring the muscles in tone

The pros and cons of the program


1. Billy Blanks offers short Express-training, absolutely everyone can find time for fitness.

2. Thanks gyrosigma and functional load, you will lose weight and work on the terrain of the body.

3. You can only choose your favorite 10-minute sessions, combining them in a convenient sequence.

4. The combination of Tae Bo and strength training for muscle tone will allow you to make your stomach flat, and your legs – slim and toned.

5. Express training assume maximum load in a short period of time, which means you will spend the sessions are very productive.

6. Training with Billy half the blank you do not need any additional equipment.


1. The training sessions short and unstructured, so you will need to adjust your training plan.

Billy Blanks: Tae Bo Express

If you want to get in shape without spending a lot of time for fitness, get the Express workouts from Billy’s half the blank. Each 10-minute program will give you incredible energy and motivation for further development.

See also: Top 10 best short workout for belly.

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