Symptoms of ovarian cyst

Symptoms of ovarian cyst

The ovarian cyst often has no symptoms when it is small. Sometimes, however, it exhibits symptoms such as:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the small pelvis,
  • tightness in the small pelvis,
  • of the pelvic pain
  • rule abnormalities
  • urinary problems (urinating more frequently or difficulty emptying the bladder completely)
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea, vomiting
  • constipation
  • pain during sex (dyspareunia)
  • a feeling of abdominal bloating or fullness
  • bleeding
  • infertility

In case a woman exhibits some of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor gynecologist.

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst: understand everything in 2 min

Can you prevent an ovarian cyst?

Combined estrogen-progestogen contraception decreases the risk of functional ovarian cysts, provided that the dosage of ethinylestradiol is greater than 20 mcg / day. Likewise, progestin-only contraceptions expose to an increased risk of a functional cyst of the ovaries (contraceptive implant, hormonal IUD, microprogestative pill containing Desogestrel such as Cerazette® or Optimizette®). 

Our doctor’s opinion

The ovarian cyst is most of the time benign, especially when it is discovered by chance during an ultrasound. It usually goes away on its own within a few weeks to a few months. However, on rare occasions, about 5% of cases, an ovarian cyst can be cancer. It is therefore essential to do regular examinations and closely follow the evolution of a cyst observed during an ultrasound. Ovarian cysts that increase in size or become painful usually require surgery.

Beware of microprogestative pills (Cerazette, Optimizette, Desogestrel pill), progestin-only contraception (hormonal IUD-free contraception, contraceptive implant, contraceptive injections) or estrogen-progestogen pills with very low estrogen dosage, because these contraceptions increase the risk. functional cysts of the ovaries.

Dr. Catherine Solano

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