Sport and young mothers

Sport with baby

Start from the first steps by walking steadily and steadily. Thanks to the baby stroller, your little one will be comfortably installed and you will be able to resume the exercise slowly. If you carry your baby in a sling, you are just as free to walk around. In the beginning, walk normally, to get back to it slowly. After a week, increase the pace and walk at a brisk pace. Don’t worry, your child will be delighted with the ride! There are strollers specially designed for jogging without pulling on your back. Over the weeks, you can take short strides and lengthen the outing time.

My sports session at home

Before doing weight training to find a firm and flat stomach, you must re-educate your perineum. This muscle, also called the pelvic floor, is responsible for supporting the vagina, bladder and rectum. Distended during pregnancy and childbirth, it needs to regain all its tone to avoid urinary leakage in particular. Rehabilitation sessions with a physiotherapist or midwife last about a month. Once your perineum has been rehabilitated, focus on fitness: it is a good solution to gently strengthen your body. But going out to participate in group lessons is not always easy for a new mother. Take advantage of your baby’s nap to make yourself feel good with a little onesports session at home. Do not invest in DVDs with an ambitious program because you have to respect your body. Practice gentle exercises, breathing well and always trying to make your uterus rise instead of pushing it back (we forget the “crunch abs”). The trick is to blow with a reverse abdominal motion, as if you were breathing in. This way you protect yourself.

Move outside

If you have a little time on your own, swimming is an ideal sport for young mothers. You tone your whole body without feeling weighed down by your recent months of maternity. However, wait six weeks after giving birth, once the post-natal visit has passed to avoid the risk of infection, especially if you have had a tear or an episiotomy. A good half hour of swimming twice a week should give you faith in your body.

Climbing, less known than swimming, is also a complete sport that gently acts on your muscles. Today, there are many centers all over France. A good idea to launch new challenges!

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