
General description of the disease

Splenomegaly is a disease in which the spleen is pathologically enlarged in size (if its size exceeds 12 centimeters, then a diagnosis is made).

Splenomegaly is not an independent disease, it is mainly a consequence of other diseases.

The causes of the disease, depending on the type and nature of splenomegaly:

  • splenomegaly of an inflammatory nature appears due to various kinds of infections (viral, bacterial, prozoan), helminthic invasions, abscesses, due to impaired blood circulation in the spleen, which further leads to hemorrhage in its tissue;
  • non-inflammatory splenomegaly occurs in the presence of anemia, problems with hematopoietic organs, lowered immunity, Gaucher disease (hereditary or acquired form).

Also, the spleen can enlarge against the background of liver cirrhosis, amyloidosis, hepatitis, leukemia, brucellosis, Felty’s syndrome, polycythemia (true).

There are completely different reasons for the increase in the size of the spleen in infants and children. Children can develop due to lack of blood filling in the spleen, typhoid fever, congenital heart disease, tuberculosis, blood diseases.

Splenomegaly degrees:

  1. 1 the spleen looks out from under the ribs onto the finger;
  2. 2 the spleen protrudes 1/3 of the length between the hypochondrium and the umbilical region;
  3. 3 the spleen protrudes ½ of the length described above;
  4. 4 the spleen is so enlarged that it can take place right up to the right abdomen or even the pelvis.

These degrees were awarded by Dr. Gubergritz. To determine the degree of the disease, it is necessary to use the method of palpation (probing).

In order to prevent splenomegaly, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:

  • give up bad and harmful habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction);
  • timely vaccinate and vaccinate;
  • when traveling to exotic countries, make the necessary vaccinations and administer vaccines;
  • undergo medical examinations at least 2 times a year;
  • Do not overdo it with physical activity (this will help prevent rupture of the spleen).

Common symptoms of the disease:

  1. 1 enlarged spleen;
  2. 2 pain under the left rib (tingling);
  3. 3 cyanosis around the mouth and pallor of the face;
  4. 4 nausea, vomiting;
  5. 5 fever with inflammatory splenomegaly;
  6. 6 pain under the left rib during palpation (without touching the spleen area, pain may not appear);
  7. 7 flatulence;
  8. 8 due to the fact that the enlarged spleen presses on the stomach, there may be pain and colic in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness.

Healthy foods for splenomegaly

To improve the condition of the spleen and improve its blood supply, food is needed containing vitamin C (it is needed to combine erythrocytes (red blood cells) with oxygen), copper (its deposits help accelerate the reduction-oxidative processes, improve blood formation and immunity), pectin, which deals with regulation of sugar levels (high sugar levels negatively affect the functioning of the spleen). To help in performing the functions, you need to eat:

  • meat (beef, chicken, pork, rabbit, crayfish, crabs), fatty fish (preferably sea), liver;
  • vegetables and legumes (beets, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, turnips, tomatoes, beans, green peas, lentils);
  • porridge (especially buckwheat – it has a high iron content);
  • fruits and berries (all citrus fruits, pomegranates, avocados, bananas, apples, currants, wigs, blueberries);
  • greens, ginger root;
  • honey;
  • drink drinks: green tea (especially with ginger), decoctions of wild rose berries, hawthorn, freshly squeezed juices from the above vegetables and fruits, cranberry juice.

Rules to follow for the normal functioning of the spleen:

  1. 1 drink enough water (either half an hour before a meal, or two to three hours after a meal);
  2. 2 food should be warm, not heavy on the stomach, it should be chewed well;
  3. 3 in no case should you overcool (the spleen loves warmth), clothes should not squeeze anything and be too tight;
  4. 4 you can not lead a sedentary lifestyle (this will cause various congestions that can lead to anemia);
  5. 5 meals should be fractional, the number of meals should be at least 4-5 times a day;
  6. 6 no strict diets without consulting a doctor;
  7. 7 it is imperative to do massage in the spleen area (it improves blood flow and circulation);
  8. 8 more to be in the fresh air.

Traditional medicine for splenomegaly:

  • Drink a decoction of dried and crushed rhizomes of the burnet. A glass of hot boiled water will require 2 tablespoons of rhizomes. After they are filled with water, put the broth in a water bath and keep it there for a quarter of an hour. Then let cool and filter. You need to take this broth for 10 days, one tablespoon before each meal. After a ten-day course, a break for a week is required, then the course is repeated again.
  • Also, decoctions from chicory roots will help (you can buy a ready-made extract at the pharmacy, which must be taken 5 times a day, a quarter of a teaspoon per 200 milliliters of water), ginger, licorice, barberry bark, calendula, chamomile, milk thistle, nettle, anise , yarrow, fennel, plantain leaves, wormwood, hop cones, flax seeds.
  • Phytoapplications can be made from the remains of raw herbs (which remain after the preparation of medicinal decoctions or you can soak fresh grass). Take hot soaked grass, attach to the spleen area, then cover with plastic and wrap with a warm cloth. Phytoapplication duration: 35-40 minutes. At this time it is better to lie down calmly.
  • A good remedy in the fight against an enlarged spleen is an ointment made from equal parts of honey, oil and ginger root. All components must be thoroughly mixed and the ointment is ready. Spread on the skin where the spleen is located at night, not in a thick layer for a month and a half. There are no special rules for storing the ointment. It is better to save the ointment in a box at normal temperature in the room.
  • Drink alcohol 30% propolis extract. Pour 50 drops of this extract into 30 milliliters of water and drink it 20 minutes before breakfast, and then drink it after 3 hours. In this way, take the tincture for 10 days, and after their expiration, continue taking it only three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
  • Take a large radish, cut out the middle and fill it with horseradish (already chopped roots), pour honey on top and bake in the oven. You need to eat such a radish in the morning (2 tablespoons) and in the evening (eat 1 tablespoon). On average, one radish is enough for 2 days. Therefore, in order to undergo a course of treatment in 10 days, you will need 5 such pieces.
  • Take seeds from overripe (yellow) cucumbers, rinse, dry, grind into powder in a coffee grinder. Drink 3 teaspoons with warm water before any meal for 30 minutes. You can drink as much water as you need to wash down the crushed seeds. Duration of admission is 14 days.

Dangerous and harmful foods for splenomegaly

  • alcoholic beverages of poor quality and in exorbitant quantities;
  • smoked meats, store canned food;
  • fatty meals;
  • pastries, cookies, pastries, cakes cooked with a lot of margarine, butter, and also with a lot of cream;
  • various rippers, colorants, thickeners;
  • fast food and convenience foods;
  • freshly baked bread and rolls;
  • sweet soda;
  • mushrooms;
  • sorrel;
  • reduce the consumption of veal and deer meat.


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Nutrition for other diseases:

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