General description of the disease


HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that leads to HIV infection. This is the disease that causes AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. At this stage, human immunity is so affected that it can no longer resist the most primitive infections. In other words, any illness of a patient can lead to his death.

For the first time they started talking about him in 1981, and over the next few years HIV, AIDS, as well as the method of their diagnosis, were identified. In Russia, AIDS was first registered in 1987 in a homosexual man who worked as a translator in African countries.

Scientists are still debating the origin of this disease, but medicine does not yet know the exact answer to this question.

Causes of HIV, AIDS

You can get infected with this disease:

  • During sexual intercourse, since this virus can accumulate in semen, especially if a person has certain inflammatory diseases;
  • While using one needle;
  • With an infected blood transfusion;
  • During pregnancy from mother to child;
  • During treatment from sick to doctors and vice versa, although the percentage of such infection is very low;

It is also important to remember that you cannot get HIV:

  1. 1 When sneezing and coughing;
  2. 2 When shaking hands, kissing, or hugging;
  3. 3 When using common food and drinks;
  4. 4 In saunas, baths and swimming pools;
  5. 5 After “injections” with contaminated needles in vehicles, since the content of the virus on them is extremely low, and it does not persist in the environment for a long time.

It should be noted that the risk of infection exists if there is blood in biological fluids, for example, saliva, feces, tears.

Symptoms of HIV, AIDS:

Doctors note various symptoms at different stages of the disease, however, there are general ones in which a person should suspect he has HIV infection, namely:

  • Fever of unknown origin for more than 7 days;
  • Swollen lymph nodes (cervical, groin, axillary) for no reason;
  • Diarrhea for several weeks;
  • Signs of oral thrush;
  • Extensive herpes;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Sudden weight loss.

Phases of HIV:

  1. 1 Acute febrile – manifests itself after 3-6 weeks from the moment of infection;
  2. 2 Asymptomatic – can last for about 10 years;
  3. 3 Deployed, or AIDS.

Healthy foods for AIDS

Patients with this disease need to learn to live with it. Of course, from the moment of infection, their lives will be significantly different, in addition, they will have to adhere to a number of rules, including limiting communication with animals, people who suffer from colds, as well as their diet.

It is important to remember that with HIV it is not worth adhering to special diets, since the body at this time, more than ever, requires a whole range of useful vitamins and substances. That is why food should be balanced and high in calories. All minerals, fiber, and fluids should be present in it, as malnutrition can lead to poor health.

  • It is useful to eat all types of meat, for example, beef, pork, chicken, lamb. The main thing is that it undergoes thorough heat treatment, and is not soggy inside. Any poisoning at this point is highly undesirable;
  • It is also very important to introduce cooked fish into your diet. Although shellfish and sushi (with raw fish) are excluded;
  • Pasteurized milk and dairy products made from pasteurized milk are useful, since this drink contains over 100 useful substances, as well as a complex of amino acids and trace elements, including B vitamins, potassium and calcium;
  • It is useful to use boiled eggs, since they are not only high in calories and nutritious, but also contain a number of vitamins (A, B, C, D, H, PP, K) and trace elements (manganese, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, potassium, calcium and etc.);
  • It is important to add various types of cereals to your diet, for example, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, etc., as they nourish and enrich the body with useful substances;
  • We must not forget about the liquid and do not limit its consumption. Fruit juices, compotes, syrups are suitable, as they saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, or just water without gas;
  • During this period, various types of nuts will be especially useful, since they are high in calories and, moreover, contain a whole range of useful substances;
  • Pasta and rice, as well as foods rich in starch, should be present in the diet of a person with HIV, as they are good for nourishing and normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • Boiled, canned and baked fruits and cooked vegetables are also useful, as they are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Folk remedies for HIV treatment

Unfortunately, HIV is still an incurable disease. However, to reduce the harm it brings to the body, doctors use medicines, and folk healers advise turning to the means of Chinese traditional medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy, yoga, contact therapy, herbal medicine, and even just positive thinking.

Also, many talk about the so-called method of treatment with aloe preparations. It consists in carrying out injections under the skin of the thigh once a day, 1 ml of an aqueous extract of this plant for 1 month. After that, you must take a break for 1 days and continue treatment. To do this, over the next month, it is necessary to inject 30 ml of this agent daily under the skin. This course of treatment must be repeated annually for 1 years.

Dangerous and harmful foods for AIDS

  • Raw meat and raw fish, shellfish, as they may contain pathogenic bacteria;
  • Raw milk and raw eggs. It is also worth remembering that the latter can be found in homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, milkshakes, hollandaise sauce and other homemade dishes;
  • You can not eat foods that have come into contact with the blood of raw meat, water from fish and seafood for the same reason;
  • Do not eat lettuce and other vegetables and fruits that cannot be peeled or cooked. This is due to the fact that harmful microorganisms can be on such a peel. All fruits and vegetables must be washed thoroughly before cooking;
  • With this disease, it is highly undesirable to eat fatty foods, less often whole grains, if they cause diarrhea;
  • It is also better to exclude coffee, tea, and other foods that contain caffeine from your diet. It is known to flush calcium from bones, and has an adverse effect on the human nervous system;
  • With HIV, it is worth excluding alcoholic beverages from your diet, as they have a destructive effect on the human body;

Rules to be followed by people with HIV:

  • Eliminate all raw or semi-raw foods that may contain harmful microorganisms;
  • Use special boards for cutting products, which must be thoroughly washed with soap and hot water each time;
  • Wash all utensils thoroughly before each next use. And even try each new dish with a clean spoon;
  • It is better to eat hot dishes warm, and cold ones cool.


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