About obvious things that came to my mind while washing a fountain pen.

… I went to wash the cartridge until it dried up … Although, it would be possible not to wash … so refill …

However, it seems to be a trifle — but there are people who carefully and attentively treat things, order, thoughts, reading, writing. It turns out that there are clubs for lovers of clean shoes, where it is important for people how to clean shoes, shoes and boots, how to make them look great and serve for a long time. The same applies to pens, sex, beauty, attitude towards oneself. After all, it is much more profitable to constantly look after something than to spend energy, time and money on repairs or just throw it away. Including yourself.

Fixing yourself… Sounds funny and unusual. But there is a word «stuck». Unwrapped himself. So, you can glue, repair, restore. Or at least just clean, wash, smear with cream …

Again, it is true that a thing without use ceases to function normally. As is the brain. Memory. Internal organs. Yeah … All this is ordinary physics and elementary common sense. Everything can be trained, even improved.

“A woman by the age of 35 forgets how to run and jump …” How to realize herself, study, be the first, have sex, live an interesting life, go to museums and just walk, not shop. But this is only a third of life …

Activity. Energy. Awareness. Careful attitude towards yourself and objects. maintenance, by the way. What does «exploitation, use, preservation, support» mean. I would also add «multiplication».

This is how the mantra turns out: Use. Preservation. Support. Multiplication.


This is the use of all the reserves of oneself, from the fingertips to the capabilities of the brain. Are you given hair? Let them work! Let them decorate, this is also work. Memory available? Let him work. Well, at least he’s learning poetry. A heart? Pump it up on a run. And by the way, why do you have an ownerless brain lying around here?


Nature has endowed man with resources. So why throw away these generous gifts? What’s the point of killing your liver with alcohol? And how can you lose weight in 2 days if you have grown these fats on yourself by overeating for 30 years? Save what you have. Protect yourself with care and love.


Take care of what you’ve been given. Nourish, lubricate, rinse, train, clean, pamper, tidy, sort, sort, blow off dust particles. It’s good to put your thoughts on the shelves. Or dust off old knowledge, polish it and make it shine. To sort out stale skills and habits. Resume jogging in the morning or cold douches. Lubricate skin or hair. Cleanse the intestines.


After all, what you have is the basis. It is already there, it is here and it just needs to be supported. But after all, an add-on can be easily attached to this basis. The same hair can be made shiny. Or put together in a beautiful hairstyle. Or learn more about them and open a beauty salon or a stylist school. To English, you can learn German. Possessing the Russian language, you can write wonderful articles and books… And your hands can take a brush, a violin, a thread, a ribbon, a pen, flour and oil, a baby’s cradle, the Olympic flame, or the hand of a loved one.


I will repeat at night. By the way, the cartridge has already been washed …

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