Sandra Lou

Sandra Lou, Mum version

At 29, the former Bachelorette has turned into an active young mother. Surrounded by her husband and her little Lily, 10 months old, Sandra Lou enjoys every moment. A look back at an eventful pregnancy …

The bubbly Sandra Lou is inexhaustible on her husband and her little girl. The young host does not hide her happiness to be a mother for the first time. After nine checkered months, she talks sincerely about the great joys and small inconveniences of her pregnancy …

Was the desire to become a Mom a project you’ve had for a long time?

It is a project that we had for 3 years. It took a year to make it happen. I was delighted. It was so unexpected.

Tell us an anecdote about your pregnancy …

What struck me was to feel my daughter move. She was like the cat. When someone stroked her back, she would bend it over. But, I had some concerns during my pregnancy. I started out being sick. I cried all the time, but I was very happy. I also had contractions from the 6th month. So I had to stop working.

How did you take care of yourself during your pregnancy?

I was bedridden for 3 months. I spent my time on the Internet. I was looking for a lot of info. I have known for 3 years. I tried embroidery, but it was a disaster. It made me sick, I’m not a manual!

And for the Baby’s gender, what have you decided?

At the beginning, we thought that it could be nice to know the sex only at birth. Then after, I told myself that I will not be able to hold on. One knowing it, the other not, it is very difficult. I’m too curious …

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