

Tired of the pressure, or even the feeling of nonsense of your current job, you want to change jobs? A challenge that is not always easy to meet… Especially when certain fears restrict us, when certain limiting beliefs block us. Faced with professional retraining, the specter of material insecurity can obviously lead us to hesitate. And yet. Internal security is also vital. Make an action plan, better respond to your aspirations, gain self-esteem: so many steps to change the direction of professional life without too much apprehension. The self-love coach, Nathalie Valentin, details, for Health passport, the fears that it is often essential to dispel …

Reconversion: take the step!

«I accompany a person who starts his retraining, says Nathalie Valentin. She had already advanced her thinking when she consulted me: I especially helped her to take the plunge, and to leave her employer to launch her project. Previously, she worked for a large publishing house. She is now going to engage in counseling, with athletes and parents of athletes …Nathalie Valentin is a self-love coach, and certified since April 2019. She uses tools as complementary as neuro-linguistic programming, non-violent communication, or transactional analysis …

She too took the plunge a few years ago. In 2015, then employed on a permanent contract in the digital sector, where she created applications for smartphones, she was nevertheless earning a good salary… “But I came to realize that what I was doing no longer nourished my values. I was bored at work, not because I had nothing to do, but because I was bored with what I was doing… It didn’t make me vibrate!“It’s not always easy to admit it! Especially since the company pushes us more in the idea that “having a good job, a permanent contract, a good salary, that’s security“… And yet, Nathalie Valentin says: in reality, the feeling of security comes from within. We can, then, gain self-confidence, and know that whatever happens, we will have the capacity to bounce back.

What are our types of fear, even our limiting beliefs, when we want to retrain?

Different fears can be expressed in the face of a change as radical as a professional retraining. There is obviously a question of material security, often the first of fears. People in a couple may be able to rely on their spouse during their retraining. This fear, legitimate, therefore depends on a financial aspect, because one may be led to wonder how one will meet his expenses …

There is always more or less, also, in each one, a resistance to change. It can then be important to be accompanied, already at first to name your fears: because as soon as we name the fear, it loses its power over us. Awareness can therefore help a lot. Then, techniques can make it possible to circumvent, to overcome this fear. Like that of small steps, by going gradually, by carrying out its action plan …

Fear of rejection from others can also be castrating. There are a lot of so-called limiting beliefs in society: those that make, whether you realize it or not, that you believe in certain things that sabotage you. There can also be the fear of failure, and even the fear of success …

In addition, what sometimes also slows down a project are what we call “loyalties”. And so, for example, there is a fairly frequent loyalty among women, which is that of not doing better than one’s father …

Coaching, a brief therapy aimed at taking action

Various techniques, even therapies, can help to find the trigger to take action, to take the step of retraining. One of them, as has been mentioned, is coaching, which is also a form of brief therapy. Psychotherapy or psychoanalysis will be more in a long time, a work on the past, and will aim to solve sometimes old problems, in themselves. Coaching is shorter, and very often responds to a very specific theme.

Some already know what type of retraining they want, others will, at first, start by seeking to find out. Various actions will be necessary, such as, sometimes, following a training course. More interior actions, too, like working on self-esteem …

«In coaching, explains Nathalie Valentin, I ask questions, and I also take breaks. I explain to the coachee some mechanisms that we all have a little in us. I explain to him how we work internally, because we are not always aware of it … I also help him define his action plan, the list of his qualities, to see how he can move forward … And when we meet a brake, we are going to ask him other questions. The goal is for him to come to his own awareness in this way!» 

When the person vibrates, when they are in joy, it is because they have found the choice that is right for them

When people feel real resistance to moving forward on their project, a few sessions with a coach can thus be enough to help remove blockages and move forward. Making an appointment with a chamber of commerce and industry is also a promising step. Various personal development books, or even videos on YouTube such as those by speaker David Laroche, can be useful… As long as you actually apply the advice!

The most important thing is, above all, as we have mentioned, to make an action plan, plan: people wishing to retrain can start by making a list of everything they have to do to succeed in their project, as well as that of all the people to meet, or likely to help them.

When Nathalie Valentin is in a coaching session, she will feel when the choice of her “coachee” is right: “In fact, she explains, I see if the person is vibrating. If I see that she is in joy when she gives her answers, or that on the contrary she retracts. It is the emotion that will guide… And there, we will say, it is the right choice! “And the personal development specialist to add:”Through my questions, if the person tells me “that’s what I want to do”, and I see that she opens, that she smiles, that she is in joy, that she is luminous, I tell myself okay, that’s the thing that’s right for her“… In addition, from an emotional, energetic point of view, it means that the person has just connected to something within them, to which they will have to reconnect each time they have doubts, a loss of confidence… So , are you ready to take the plunge too?

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