Retinal disinsertion

General description of the disease

Retinal detachment is a pathological process during which the retina is detached from the choroid.

Causes of retinal detachment

Most often, retinal detachment is observed with myopia, in the presence of tumors inside the eye, with retinal dystrophies or after various eye injuries.

The most basic and important reason for the onset of retinal detachment is retinal tear. In the normal position, the retina is immobile and airtight. But, after the formation of a rupture, a substance flows through it from the vitreous body under the retina, which exfoliates it from the choroid.

The rupture, in turn, is formed due to the tension of the vitreous body. This happens through a change in its normal state to a pathological one. Normally, the state of the vitreous body resembles jelly in consistency (obligatory transparent). In the presence of any ophthalmic disease, the “transparent jelly” becomes cloudy and thickened fibers appear in it – weighs… The cords are closely connected with the retina of the eye, therefore, when performing various eye movements, the cords pull the retina behind them. This tension also provokes a rupture.

People are at risk of retinal detachment:

  • with a thinned retina (with retinal dystrophy);
  • suffering from myopia, diabetes mellitus and having suffered eye injuries;
  • working in hazardous industries (especially those related to wood and iron shavings, sawdust);
  • lifting large loads;
  • being in constant physical overstrain and in constant physical exhaustion;
  • in whom there were cases of detachment of the retina in the family;
  • with inflammatory processes in the posterior segment of the eyeball.

Also, pregnant women who have a lack of vitamin E in the body are at risk.

The main symptoms of retinal detachment are:

  1. 1 weakening of vision;
  2. 2 a sharp loss of lateral vision;
  3. 3 floating points, flies, lightning, a veil in front of the eyes;
  4. 4 the objects and letters in question are somehow deformed (elongated, elongated) and fluctuate or jump;
  5. 5 decrease in the field of view.

Healthy foods for retinal detachment

During treatment and to prevent retinal detachment, it is necessary to eat properly. The connection between nutrition and eyes has been proven many times by many scientists. To strengthen the retina, you need to consume antioxidants, because the retina is very sensitive to the actions and effects of free radicals. Vitamins of group E and C are considered to be the most powerful vitamins with antioxidant properties. In addition, the intake of carotenoids (in particular zeaxanthin and lutein) and omega-3 is important for the retina to be strong. Therefore, to get all these important substances you need to eat:

  • cereals, black, gray, whole grain bread, crispbread, bran bread;
  • fish (especially sea and fat), lean meats, liver;
  • all seafood;
  • dairy products (preferably medium or low fat);
  • vegetables, herbs, herbs and roots: cabbage (red, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage), carrots, beets, spinach, peppers (both hot and Bulgarian), horseradish, garlic, parsley, dill, pumpkin, green peas, parsnips, ginger, cloves;
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, barley porridge, pasta with dark flour;
  • dried fruits and nuts: cashews, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes;
  • berries, fresh fruits (especially useful are all citrus fruits, blueberries, currants, strawberries, blackberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, rose hips, apricots, mountain ash, honeysuckle, wild garlic, raspberries, hawthorn);
  • vegetable oils.

It is better to eat more often, but less. Fractional meals are encouraged. You need to eat at least five times a day. Do not forget about the liquid. Freshly squeezed juices, decoctions of wild rose, hawthorn, branches and leaves of currants, viburnum, sea buckthorn, compotes cooked from frozen, dried or fresh fruits (it is better to try not to sugar compotes), green tea will bring benefits for fiber.

Retinal Detachment Treatment

Treatment of this disease can only be carried out with the help of surgery. The sooner you turn to specialists for help, the faster the disease will be determined and the faster treatment will be prescribed. In the early stages of retinal detachment, visual ability is restored in all cases and without complications. If you ignore the disease and do not take any therapeutic measures, then you can lose your eyesight forever.


As soon as the veil appears in front of the eye, it is very important to remember which side it first appeared on. This will speed up the process of identifying the location of the break.

Treatment consists in returning the retina to its original place and bringing it closer to the choroid. This is done in order to restore the process of nourishment of the optic nerves and return the flow of blood.

The main methods of treatment are – cryocoagulation and coagulation… The operation is carried out using a laser and is of two types: on the surface of the sclera (extrascleral method) or by penetrating the eyeball (endovitreal method).

Also, in case of retinal dystrophy, laser strengthening can be used to prevent tearing and tighten the retina.

Traditional medicine

Can only be used as a preventive measure. And then, you need to take it seriously – you should adhere to all the recommendations, take the full course.

To prevent retinal rupture (primary or repeated), you need to take 4 tablespoons of wormwood, pour 400 milliliters of water, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Filter, take before meals for 15 minutes, 2 tablespoons of the broth. And so three times a day. Number of days – 10. Then take a break for two days and drink the next infusion, which is prepared from 12 tablespoons of fresh needles, 8 tablespoons of dried rose hips and two liters of water. The ingredients need to be boiled for 10 minutes and allowed to brew overnight. Drink this amount of broth per day. Take within a decade (10 days). Repeat the course at least once a year (it is advisable to carry out such treatment twice a year).

Dangerous and harmful foods for retinal detachment

  • too fatty, salty, sweet food;
  • semi-finished products and fast food;
  • canned food, not homemade sausages;
  • alcohol;
  • trans fats and foods with artificial additives;
  • loaf, baguette, all dough products with rippers.

To keep the retina strong, you should definitely quit smoking (if you have this addiction).


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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