
General description of the disease


Otosclerosis is a disease during which the bone located in the middle and inner ear increases excessively in size (then the mobility of the bone in the middle ear – the stapes is impaired, due to which sounds are not transmitted correctly).

The causes of otosclerosis

The reasons for the development of this anomaly have not been reliably discovered, but most scientists are inclined to believe that otosclerosis is of a genetic nature. It is believed that this disease is associated with the gene “reln“. Otosclerosis is more common in females, its development is observed at a turning point for a woman’s body. Such moments include the period of maturation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause.

Risk groups of otosclerosis

Otosclerosis can develop if Paget’s disease; congenital anomalies in the development of the auditory organ; with a prolonged course of the inflammatory process of a chronic nature in the middle ear, which causes the death of the auditory ossicles; when fixing the bone of the middle ear of a congenital nature.

Otosclerosis symptoms:

  • constant whistling, hum, noise, buzzing, hissing in the ears;
  • decreased hearing ability;
  • noticeable improvement in hearing in noisy, crowded places or while in moving transport (metro, train);
  • hearing loss in both ears, and progressive;
  • the patient cannot hear normally while chewing or swallowing food;
  • almost half of people suffering from otosclerosis experience frequent dizziness.

Useful products for otosclerosis

In order for the treatment to be effective, foods containing vitamins A, B1, E and C should be added to the diet. Food should be of plant and dairy origin.


With otosclerosis, you should eat more lean pork, fish, cheese (especially hard, processed and feta cheese), cabbage (all types), seafood (seaweed, eel, seaweed, squid), garlic, sweet potatoes, milk, sourdough, sour cream and cottage cheese , kiwi, berries of viburnum, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, rose hips, strawberries, honeysuckle, currants, peppers (both sweet and spicy), all citrus fruits, greens (spinach, sorrel), porridge (oat, wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat) and pasta, dried fruits (prunes with dried apricots), nuts (cashews, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios), corn, lentils.

These products help to improve hearing ability, reduce hearing loss, and remove tinnitus. All vegetables, meat, fish and offal are best boiled or steamed. You can put it out. Especially healthy aspic fish.

Traditional medicine for otosclerosis

The most effective treatment for otosclerosis is operational method… Can be carried out stapedectomy (in this type of surgical intervention, a prosthesis is placed instead of the stapes) and stapedoplasty (in the very stapes, a small enlightenment is made, into which the prosthesis is inserted).

But not all patients can carry out these operations. These include people in serious condition, people with various inflammatory processes, patients with severe dizziness and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, the operation is not possible if the patient has one ear functioning normally. If surgical treatment is impossible, patients are prescribed for use hearing aids and conservative treatment.

The methods of conservative treatment include:

  1. 1 infusions of internal use – they are prepared from a string, licorice root and angelica, calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow, you can drink pharmacy tinctures of radiola rosea, ginseng or Chinese lemongrass;
  2. 2 infusions for use outside: lemon balm leaves insist on vodka (for 30 grams of leaves you need a glass of vodka, you need to insist 72 hours in a dark place, bury a few drops in sore ears at night and cover with a cotton swab, you can also moisten it in tincture and close an ear); drip 3 drops into the ear canal with a decoction of blueberry branches (half a liter of hot water requires one hundred grams of branches, which must be boiled in this amount of water until half of it has evaporated);
  3. 3 massage – it should start with light stroking of the cervical region and forearms, then you need to smoothly go to the ears and start stroking the skin around the auricles, then gently massage the earlobes and the whole ear from bottom to top and in the opposite direction, then you need to go to the ear region and massage her (to do this, put your index fingers in the ear canal and rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise), finish the massage by lightly stroking the ears.

In no case should warming up be done!

With otosclerosis, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, be more often in nature, dacha, stressful situations should not be allowed. At least 2 times a year come to consult a doctor – ENT.

Dangerous and harmful products for otosclerosis

Foods rich in vitamin D are contraindicated. It is found in cream, chicken eggs, liver, sea bass, fish oil, butter, caviar. These foods should not be overused and should be consumed in limited quantities. Also, you can not take sunbathing, because when sunbathing under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is produced. Drinking alcohol is also contraindicated. It is necessary to give up smoking.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

Nutrition for other diseases:

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