Removing stains from clothes: folk remedies

How to remove stains from berries, grass, tar and many other seasonal contaminants of our clothes – in a review from

Removing stains from clothing

Grass stains rub on light and woolen fabric with a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and protein. After an hour, wash in warm water. Light grass stains can be removed immediately by washing with soapy water and a little ammonia. Grass stains on delicate fabrics are removed by wetting them with pure alcohol.

Oil paint stains removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. After that, the area stained with paint on the clothes is washed in warm water with the addition of dishwashing liquid. The grandfather’s method, which was once used for all fabrics, is a mixture of gasoline and acetone.

Rust stains can be removed from any fabric with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The place soaked with juice is ironed with a hot iron through the fabric, then rubbed again with a cotton swab soaked in juice and washed with warm water. Vinegar warmed to 80 ° C will also help out. The stained area is immersed in the solution for 5 minutes, then rinsed in warm water with the addition of ammonia. Rust is easily removed from synthetic fabrics by washing in warm water with washing powder.

Soot and soot stains removed with a cotton swab dipped in turpentine. Wash a fresh stain with soap and water.

Anecdote to the topic

Oil paint stains will not be as noticeable on your clothes if you no longer wear them.

Resin. The water is powerless here. First you need to scrape off the resin thoroughly. Then treat the stain with turpentine oil, alcohol, acetone or gasoline, then wash.

Pollen. Blot with alcohol, rinse with regular detergent, repeat if necessary with bleach.

Splashing street dirt do not rush to delete immediately. Let the stain dry, then brush it off with a stiff brush.

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Sweat stains come off if you add a little ammonia to the water during washing.

Fly trails removed with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia.

Blood stains. Fresh stains are most easily removed by washing with cold water using regular powder. You can also rinse the stained area first under cold running water and then wash it warm with any all-purpose detergent.

Old blood stains will have to be pre-soaked in soapy water or in a solution of table salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of cold water) for several hours, and only then wash the thing.

Sweat stains depart if, during washing, add a little ammonia to the water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). On woolen items, you can remove them with a cloth dipped in a strong solution of sodium chloride. If stains do remain, wipe them off with rubbing alcohol. To remove stains from white clothes, soak the garment in cold water with baking soda dissolved in it before washing.

The best remedy for bleaching berry stains is lemon juice or citric acid.

Red wine and fruit stains on white things, you can remove it by pulling a cloth over deep dishes and pouring boiling water over the stain. Some people recommend using hot milk or ammonia. Fresh spots from berries and juices on white fabrics are discolored with a solution of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of a few drops of ammonia, on colored fabrics – with citric acid or lemon juice and salt. In the field, use table salt – cover the stain with it so that you can rinse with water later.

Red berry stains (raspberries, strawberries, currants). Rub the soiled area with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and lemon juice. Then wash the product.

Black berry stains (blueberries, mulberries, honeysuckle). After rinsing the contaminated area in water, soak the product in sour milk, a solution of lemon juice or citric acid. If the stain does not immediately disappear, the procedure must be repeated, and then send the item to the wash.

Tomato stains. If they are fresh, wash the thing in warm water with ammonia, the dried spot is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To remove the stain during washing, immediately fill it with salt.

Greasy stains (from meat, fish, sauces, and so on) is removed by immediate washing. If you don’t have a washing machine at hand, preserve the stain by sprinkling it with salt. In this case, it will come off easily when washing. It also effectively removes oil stains from gasoline.

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