Removable orthodontic appliances – indications, types and rules of use

Removable orthodontic appliances are used in the correction and treatment of malocclusion mainly in children, although sometimes this method is also used in older patients. Movable braces bring many benefits to people who use them – they are comfortable, easy to use and relatively cheap. How is the treatment with removable appliances and how to properly care for them?

Removable braces – why should you wear them?

Removable orthodontic appliances are, apart from their permanent counterparts, one of the most frequently used tools in the treatment of malocclusion. Due to their specificity, they are much more often used in correcting crooked teeth and jaw defects in younger patients. Removable orthodontic appliances that are used to correct malocclusion are usually made of acrylic, clasps, bolt arches and springs. Clamps are the elements that hold the braces in the correct position on the teeth. The task of individual parts of a removable orthodontic appliance is to widen the dental arch, tilt or tilt the teeth, move the tooth, and properly position the jaws towards each other. The advantages of removable orthodontic appliances, indicated by doctors, include the ease of maintaining the hygiene of the appliance, ease of use, easy availability, low price and partial reimbursement by the National Health Fund. Unfortunately, apart from the advantages, the use of a removable orthodontic appliance also has its disadvantages. They usually result from the patient’s low discipline. Irregular use of braces and non-compliance with the orthodontist’s recommendations cause that the treatment of an occlusal defect is significantly extended, and thus the costs of teeth correction also increase. Additionally, removable orthodontic appliances are not effective in treating all malocclusions. They are definitely less precise than fixed appliances and less comfortable for patients because they significantly restrict the freedom of the tongue in the mouth.

How can you take care of a beautiful and healthy smile? Check it out: Simple and beautiful teeth without braces!

Mobile orthodontic appliances – types

The offer of removable orthodontic appliances is very rich. It is worth mentioning that removable orthodontic appliances are not only appliances designed to correct malocclusion, but also those whose task is to consolidate the effects of treatment and retention. Removable orthodontic appliances include:

  1. aligning appliances – these are aligner appliances. They can be treated as an alternative to fixed orthodontic appliances used in adults. These appliances are more and more often chosen by patients because they effectively correct malocclusion, and at the same time they can be removed while eating, brushing teeth or flossing;
  2. removable spacing braces – these braces fulfill the same role as fixed spacing braces. These types of appliances are made of an acrylic base fitted to the jaw and wire or plastic branches that are inserted between the individual teeth to maintain the space between them;
  3. movable devices for repositioning the jaw – this type of braces are also called lifts and are attached to the upper or lower jaw line. Removable jaw repositioning appliances are especially helpful in cases of temporomandibular joint dysfunction;
  4. lip and cheek separators – these devices are used to keep the lips and cheeks away from the teeth. Separators help reduce the pressure of the teeth on the lips and cheeks;
  5. retainers – this is a palatal expander, which is used to widen the arch of the upper jaw. The retainer is available in the form of a plastic plate that fits over the mouth of the mouth;
  6. movable braces – these are devices that are worn on the mouth of the mouth. Their task is to prevent the teeth from shifting to their previous position. Once modified, the movable buckles can be used as an apparatus to counter the harmful habit of thumb sucking;
  7. head-mounted extractor – this is a device that consists of a metal wire and a strap attached to it located at the back of the head. This type of braces slows down the too rapid growth of the upper jaw and keeps the lower arch of the teeth in their current place while retracting the upper dental arch;
  8. activator – a removable appliance that is used in early orthodontic treatment. It makes it possible to move the emerging teeth to the indicated places in the dental arches and to shape the correct bite. The activator works mainly prophylactically and prevents malocclusion in the future.

What should you know about braces? Check: Teeth braces. Types of orthodontic appliances, price

Removable orthodontic appliances – indications

Removable orthodontic appliances are mainly used to correct small defects in the dentition and malocclusion that occur during the child’s development. The use of removable appliances does not allow the teeth to be rotated or shifted, therefore not all defects can be cured with it. Removable orthodontic appliances are recommended mainly for children from 4 to 12 years of age, during this period, usually children have not yet developed all permanent teeth. Sometimes removable braces are recommended for adults. This is the case when a fixed appliance cannot be placed on the patient. In such a situation, it should be borne in mind that the treatment of a malocclusion with a removable appliance will never bring the same effect as the application of a fixed appliance. In order for the treatment of a malocclusion to be effective, the basic indications should be followed. These include, first of all, close cooperation of parents and the child with the orthodontist, as well as wearing and regulating the braces in accordance with its recommendations.

Do you want to know more about malocclusion? Read: Malocclusion and orthodontic prophylaxis

Mobile orthodontic appliances – the course of treatment

The course of malocclusion treatment with removable orthodontic appliances is at many stages the same or similar to treatment with fixed appliances. The malocclusion treatment process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. medical consultation and tests – the first stage of orthodontic treatment is always a visit to the orthodontic office, during which the doctor interviews the patient and performs or orders the most important tests. The orthodontic examination is aimed at determining the patient’s needs, making a diagnosis and presenting the initial assumptions of the treatment. The examination consists of a medical history, extraoral examination, bite assessment and additional examinations.
  2. presenting a treatment plan – after a thorough examination of the patient, the orthodontist presents a treatment plan. In the case of treatment with movable children, colored braces are presented along with a description of the principles of their use and care. Then, the doctor takes plaster casts of the dentition to prepare a specific appliance for the patient. Depending on the malocclusion, the doctor may suggest a vestibular plate to stop bad habits.
  3. putting on an orthodontic appliance – during this visit, the orthodontist gives the mobile appliance to the patient along with detailed instructions on how to use and care for the appliance. Removable braces should be removed and disassembled according to the orthodontist’s recommendations.
  4. follow-up visits – in the case of treatment with a removable orthodontic appliance, follow-up visits take place every 8-10 weeks. The orthodontist assesses the course of treatment and observes the development of the child’s bite;
  5. retention – that is, maintaining the effects of treatment. After the correct positioning of the teeth in the lower and upper arches, the patient uses his braces only at certain times of the day or night until all milk teeth are replaced with permanent teeth.

Do you want to learn more about the course of orthodontic treatment? Read: How is orthodontic treatment going? Step by step teeth straightening

Removable braces – the most important recommendations of an orthodontist

During the visit to the orthodontic office, the doctor always provides his patient with a detailed list of indications and recommendations that must be strictly followed. The list of such tips is individual and depends on the treated malocclusion, the patient’s age and the type of removable appliance used. However, from the list of these tips, you can choose a few universal and most important recommendations that will positively affect the orthodontic treatment process:

  1. removable braces should always be worn as recommended by the orthodontist;
  2. removable braces should be removed for eating, brushing teeth and any kind of physical activity, for example during physical education classes;
  3. the screw in a removable orthodontic appliance should be unscrewed as agreed by the orthodontist;
  4. removable braces should be cleaned with toothpaste and a toothbrush.
  5. when not using the removable orthodontic appliance, it should be stored in a special package with ventilation openings;
  6. removable braces must always be put on clean and washed teeth;
  7. removable braces cannot be cleaned with hot or boiling water;
  8. the removable orthodontic appliance should be stored in such a place that it cannot be mechanically damaged.

What malocclusion can be corrected with orthodontic treatment? Read: Malocclusions that can be corrected by braces

Proper putting on and taking off of removable orthodontic appliances

During the visit, during which the orthodontist gives the patient a removable appliance, he also presents a detailed presentation of the principles of putting on and taking off the appliance. Such a procedure ensures proper wearing of the apparatus, prevents its destruction, and also influences the effects of using a removable apparatus.

Putting on a removable orthodontic appliance includes:

  1. upper plate – placing and pressing the acrylic plate against the palate;
  2. lower plate – placing and pressing against the lingual surface of the dental process;
  3. placing supporting clamps on the teeth;
  4. a feeling of tight fitting of the movable apparatus to the mucosa.

Removal of a removable orthodontic appliance includes:

  1. bottom plate – simultaneous prying of the last clamps with your thumbs;
  2. top plate – gently pulling down the last clamps;
  3. pay attention not to remove the removable appliance by pulling it in one direction only. It may deform or completely damage the camera.

How to take care of the hygiene of a removable orthodontic appliance?

Hygiene with removable appliances is much easier than with fixed appliances. The most important issues during hygiene activities are:

  1. removable braces should be washed thoroughly after each removal from the mouth;
  2. for washing removable appliances, use a special paste recommended by an orthodontist;
  3. removable braces should be washed once in a while in a solution of denture cleaning tablets;
  4. after washing the removable apparatus, it should be dried and stored in a special box;
  5. when wearing removable braces, you must not eat or drink. Only drinking water is allowed,
  6. removable braces are always put on clean teeth,
  7. hold your removable appliance by the acrylic plate when washing it. Holding the buckles may permanently damage the camera.

It is also important to obtain appropriate oral hygiene accessories before cleaning removable appliances. The following are useful for proper hygiene of the apparatus:

  1. a separate brush for cleaning the camera;
  2. a denture brush to help clean hard-to-reach places in the appliance;
  3. denture paste, gray soap or dishwashing liquid – remember not to use ordinary toothpaste to wash the apparatus;
  4. denture cleaning tablets.

Find out how to take care of oral hygiene. Read: Oral Hygiene

How much do removable braces cost?

The prices of removable braces are not easy to estimate. Their prices vary depending on the selected model. The approximate price of a removable apparatus ranges from PLN 450 to PLN 1450. Control visits in the case of a removable appliance cost about PLN 100. The costs of orthodontic treatment do not include consultation fees, preparation of a treatment plan and necessary diagnostic tests.

More information about the costs of orthodontic treatment can be found here: Braces cost – how much does a beautiful smile cost?

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