Thirteen Ways to Kill Your Liver, Even if You’re a Vegetarian

The liver is an important organ of our body that filters the blood and cleanses it of all harmful substances. The liver produces bile, which helps digest and break down fats. If a lot of them come with food, it is difficult for the liver to cope with this. . Fats are not burned, but are deposited, including in the liver and around it. Over time, there are more and more fatty islands, they partially replace normal liver cells (hepatocytes). As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and cirrhosis of the liver increases. Pleasant, of course, is not enough, but you should not be upset. The liver is able to properly perform its functions, even if only 20% of its cells remain “in shape”. The liver is capable of self-healing and is ready to forgive you for decades of inattention to it. From now on, it’s just worth reconsidering your lifestyle and becoming a friend to her. Fat, pork, lamb, duck, goose and other fatty meats cause the greatest harm to the liver. Oily fish is one that contains at least 8% fat. This group includes herring, mackerel, sturgeon, halibut, eel, etc. Some varieties of fish can be twice as high in calories as pork. They can be picked up by eating poorly processed fish. In addition, seafood contains mercury, which destroys the liver. It is better to refuse them, at least from those types of fish (mostly marine: tuna, swordfish), which have a high content of mercury.      Carcinogens, which are produced when the oil is cooked, are a real torture for the liver. If you don’t want to finish off your liver, it’s best to eliminate all types of refined grains and sugar from your diet. Limit to the limit the consumption of white bread, pasta, pancakes, pies, cakes and other products made from white flour and sugar.   – radishes, radishes, garlic, wild garlic, as well as sour berries, vegetables and fruits – cranberries, kiwi, sorrel. Pickled vegetables, pickles, smoked meats, mustard, vinegar, horseradish, spicy ketchup in excessive quantities will also not be beneficial. The liver considers spicy and burning foods to be toxins and tries to neutralize them. Having found them, the liver secretes a double dose of bile in order to quickly break down these harmful substances. And the resulting excess of bitter liquid quite often stagnates in the hepatic ducts, where stones form. In just six months, a tiny grain of sand can turn into a stone with a diameter of a centimeter. In moderation, vegetable products with a choleretic effect (garlic, radish and turnip, arugula, mustard) have a beneficial effect on a healthy liver. The shells of any vegetables and fruits contain bitterness that has a choleretic effect. There is also bitterness in orange and lemon zest. But if you lean on tomatoes for three summer months in a row, gobbling them up for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then the liver can rebel. “It is tomatoes that cause exacerbations of liver and gallbladder diseases in autumn, contribute to stone formation,” comments gastroenterologist Olga Soshnikova. “So, you need to be careful with the tomato senor, especially those who have some kind of problem.” For example, you can not eat cucumbers and tomatoes in a salad. After all, cucumbers are alkaline foods, and tomatoes are acidic. When they are mixed, the formation of salts occurs. If you want to stay healthy, you should not eat protein foods (meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, cheese) at the same time, which require acidic enzymes for their digestion, and foods containing carbohydrates (bread, cereals, potatoes, sugar, sweets), which require alkaline enzymes. enzymes. It is dangerous for the liver to eat yesterday’s borscht or porridge, as it is not fresh food. Mushrooms, including edible ones, contain a huge amount of harmful substances and are difficult to digest, they also contribute to the destruction of the liver. They say that it all starts with hemorrhoids – this is the first sign of liver problems. It is hard to imagine how much exhaust gases, heavy metals and other harmful compounds are in the air. Naturally, all these toxins enter the bloodstream, and from it – into our main filter. The liver can get sick if you often inhale smoke, vapors of gasoline, kerosene, paints, varnishes. If you decide to make repairs in the house, give preference to eco-friendly materials. Foods labeled with E marks are a powerful blow to the liver, it cannot overcome this invasion of foreign chemicals and toxins. And if you lose the sense of proportion, there comes a moment when the strength of the liver is exhausted. And alcohol begins to take over. The result is cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Against the background of alcohol dependence, gastritis, pancreatitis, brain and heart damage also occur. The male liver is able to withstand a lot, while for women taking oral contraceptives with estrogen, the load is even higher. Doctors right and left prescribe chemicals that are foreign to the body, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Passing through the main filter – the liver, they clog the smallest vessels. And even then the problem arises – how to get them out of there. According to the results of American nationwide studies, expensive and dangerous antibiotics are constantly prescribed by 44% of children and 51% of adults for the treatment of diseases caused by viruses that are completely insensitive to antibiotics – cold viral diseases in apparently healthy children and adults disappear within a week with or without use antibiotic. A group of researchers from the Harvard University Medical Department concluded that about 200 out of every 1000 hospitalized patients take medication only to their own detriment. According to American scientists, about 200 people die every year from drugs (not from diseases!) in the United States. Mortality in the most severe manifestations of drug intolerance, such as anaphylactic shock, acute widespread bullous dermatoses, ranges from 20 to 70%. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Society (Journal of the American Medical Society), a drug disease is the cause of various serious illnesses in 2.2 million US citizens a year. Drugs such as paracetamol, papaverine, aminosalicylic acid, androgens, butadione, ibuprofen, chloramphenicol, penicillin, oral contraceptives, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, phenobarbital, estrogens often cause liver damage. Rezulin, registered as a drug for diabetics, was sold between 1997 and 2000. It was withdrawn from the market after 63 deaths of patients from liver diseases caused by the drug were registered. because at this age, in combination with a viral infection, it provokes Reye’s syndrome – fatty infiltration of the liver and brain damage. Recent studies have shown that which is characterized by rapid development and leads to death. In England, paracetamol is the cause of 52% of cases of this fatal disease, in Spain – 42%.    First of all, negative consequences are caused by drugs whose therapeutic concentration is close to toxic. These include gentamicin, novocainamide, as well as agents that have the ability to accumulate in the body.   – says Galina Kholmogorova, senior researcher at the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine. “This means that millions of people have very serious complications when taking the usual dose of the drug: it is processed for so long that concentrations in the blood appear 10 times higher than usual. A huge part of the population does not “digest” such medicines as, for example, caffeine, or most of the sulfonamides that we actively use for colds. That is why the treatment of the common cold so often ends in numerous complications. Coffee drunk on an empty stomach is very harmful. And the joint use of coffee and fatty foods, such as cake, even in healthy people, leads to a twofold increase in the peak blood sugar rate, and the overall picture of the blood composition begins to resemble developed diabetes.   Caffeine blocks healthy feedback loops between the intestines and the pancreas, which produce insulin to utilize carbohydrates, for several hours. The combined use of carbohydrates and fats in combination with caffeine leads to a complete inability of the body to automatically reduce blood glucose levels to normal. The occurrence of diabetes mellitus directly depends on the state of the liver: toxins and toxins that are in poorly filtered blood “burn” the surface of every cell in the body, regardless of its location. As a result, the cell loses its insulin receptors and the ability to take up glucose from the blood. Hepatitis A has a fecal-oral route of transmission and can be introduced into the body through food, dirty hands, dishes, etc. Hepatitis B and C are transmitted through blood, saliva, genital secretions and semen. Hepatitis can be obtained by visiting a dentist. Are you scheduled for an injection? Make sure that it is done only with a disposable syringe from the package that has been opened with you. Not only hepatitis viruses are harmful to the liver, but also many other viruses, bacteria and infections that cause intoxication of the body. At home, it is better to do this with food. Cleansing the liver is the use of 0,5 kg per day of thermally unprocessed vegetable products and vegetable oil. They cause the liver to give bile, saturate the bile with essential phospholipids, which prevents the formation of gallstones and removes excess cholesterol. Vegetables, fruits, greens grown without excess fertilizer, especially cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower), carrots, beets, pumpkin, parsley, dill, are useful for the liver. All sorts of vegetable soups, a variety of vegetable stews, salads and vinaigrettes seasoned with any vegetable oil are another tender affection for the liver. You can also use spices, but not spicy, coriander, cilantro, zira are useful. Natural juices are useful, not their synthetic substitutes. No preservatives, and even better homemade. The liver is vital: essential amino acids (methionine), fat-soluble vitamins (D, E), carotene, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and essential essential phospholipids (vitamin F). It is important that the diet contains polyunsaturated omega-3, -6 fats.   The liver tolerates small amounts of fresh unfiltered sunflower oil, linseed, corn, pumpkin, soybean, mustard, olive, cold-pressed sesame oils. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in nuts, seeds, legumes, they should be consumed in moderation and not every day. You can eat sprouted grains and seeds, and replace traditional pastries with whole grain and bran pastries. An excess mass of food that cannot be digested stretches the stomach, intestines, rots, poisons the body and, first of all, the liver. In addition, overeating dramatically reduces the energy of the body, since a lot of energy is spent on the digestion of excess food. Finally, overeating leads to excess weight, and obese people live 10-12 years less, they are 4 times more likely to develop a heart attack and form gallstones. – one of the main causes of almost all liver diseases. Eat 4-6 small meals a day. These are such drugs as Essentiale forte N, Triphala, Arogyavardnhini vati, Livomap, Akura, Nirocil (Bhumiamalaki), Dashamul, Livofer, Livina Hepatamine, Ovagen, Sveinform, Thymusamin, Pankramin, as well as homeopathic preparations “Heel” – Hepar Comp ., Ubiquinone comp., Coenzyme comp., Lymphomyosot, Psorinocheel, etc. Drinking plenty of water increases the secretion of bile, thins the bile, which prevents the formation of stones and helps to remove toxins. It is recommended to drink green tea, as it prevents fatty liver and the formation of stones, well or mineral water, water with lemon. It is also advisable to drink a rosehip broth containing vitamin C necessary for the good functioning of the liver, or herbal teas from various herbs that have a beneficial effect on the liver. corn stigmas, St. John’s wort, knotweed, bearberry, cat’s claw, artichoke, chicory, dandelion root and flowers, immortelle, nettle, anise seeds, cumin, fennel, oat grains, lingonberry leaves and fruits, birch leaves or buds, calamus rhizome, Valerian officinalis rhizome, oregano herb, peppermint, calendula, chamomile, lingonberry fruits and leaves, wild strawberry and blueberry fruits and leaves, celandine, yarrow, buckthorn, tripol, shandra, hops, burdock, horse sorrel, knotweed, rosemary, bark aspens, sunflower stems, wormwood, barberry, red rowan berries, turnip, parsley grass and roots, European dodder, gentian herb, sorrel root, chrysanthemum, common tansy, root and whole plant of high elecampane, hill solyanka, late cloves and a number of other plants . It is useful to know that plants with yellow flowers will always help the liver.    

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