Protein and the whole truth about it

So, is it possible after the age of 30 to have a slim and fit figure? Many people say that it is much more difficult to lose weight after 30 years, however, there are 2 excellent examples:


1. This is the American Ernestine Shepard. 75-year-old Ernestina Shepard from Baltimore entered the World Book of Records – 2012 as the oldest female bodybuilder in the world. Every day she runs 15 km, conducts 3 fitness workouts, and regularly participates in fashion shows.

And this story began 20 years ago, when Ernestina, at the age of 55, went to the beach. She put on a swimsuit, stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself and burst into tears. True, she did not cry for a long time, quickly got ready, went and bought herself a subscription to a fitness club and began to train.


2. And her compatriot Jeffrey Life came to his senses only at the age of 60. I decided to get rid of the beer belly, went to the gym, and that’s what it led to. The photos speak for themselves, now he is 72 years old and he looks much better than at 60 years old.

But it is much easier for a modern person to do this. After all, it offers modern training systems, and effective exercise equipment, and, importantly, sports chemistry. We will talk about it further.

Life is impossible without protein. What is protein or, in scientific terms, protein?

The term “protein” itself was proposed back in 1838 by the Swedish chemist Jacob Berzelius to refer to a protein molecule. Human body protein is made up of 20 amino acids. 10 of these amino acids are essential, which means the body cannot synthesize them on its own. The other 10 are interchangeable, i.e. the body can create them from other amino acids. This means that the body is able to synthesize essential amino acids on its own. But the irreplaceable must necessarily come with food.

So, what kind of food is rich in protein?


First of all, these are eggs, dairy products, meat and fish. Also – nuts, legumes, rye and wheat. The record holder among plants in terms of protein content is soybeans, which contain up to 35% protein.

I must say that these are unequal products. For example, an egg has a biological value of 1. This means that it contains a complete set of essential amino acids. But, for example, wheat contains only half (its biological value coefficient is only 0,54) of essential amino acids. And although the amount of protein both there and there is the same (12,7 grams), nevertheless, the body will be able to assimilate more from eggs and less from wheat.

What happens to protein after we eat it?


Protein is broken down in our digestive tract into amino acids. Amino acids are absorbed through the intestinal wall and distributed throughout the body. Proteins are used for the growth of muscle tissue, for building bones, some hormones and enzymes are built from proteins. If necessary, the body can use proteins as a source of energy.

Therefore, if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, he often needs additional protein intake.

What are they. proteins are:


1st place – whey protein. It has nothing to do with chemistry, it is made from ordinary whey. This protein has the greatest biological value and is absorbed very quickly. It is precisely because it is rapidly absorbed that it is best consumed after a workout. An important advantage of whey protein is that it is quite inexpensive.

2nd place – egg protein. Unlike whey protein, egg protein is quite expensive. Moreover, it has a high biological value. Its absorption time is in the range of 4-6 hours, which is average.

3rd place – casein protein. Casein is the main protein in milk. I must say that this protein does not have the most pleasant taste and does not mix well in water. Its biological value = 80%, while it is very slowly absorbed, this suggests that such a protein is ideal for taking at night. And after training, there is no point in taking it.


4th place – soy protein. Since ancient times, soy has been the main source of protein in the East. And now soy protein is in high demand. It should be noted that soy protein is quite poorly digested, at least it used to be. Even now, some manufacturers do not cleanse it well enough, so for many, this protein can cause bloating.

One of the indisputable advantages of soy protein is its ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, which is important for many people.

As we can see, each protein has its own pros and cons. That is why complex proteins are now being produced, which contain soy protein, whey protein, and casein protein, and egg protein is also added there. All the advantages are combined in one, so complex proteins are the most useful.


Well, if you don’t have time to make protein shakes, you can use protein bars. Nowadays there are a lot of them. Each of these bars contains 20-30 grams of protein, which is half the daily value.

Unfortunately, there are many myths about proteins.

1 myth – protein is chemistry. In fact, all proteins are made from natural products, they are simply purified.

Myth 2 – protein intake has a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. In fact, in order for the negative effects to appear, it is necessary to take 300-400 grams of protein per day, which, of course, is not possible.

Myth 3 – Protein has the ability to reduce libido. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: food rich in protein, from ancient times was considered food that stimulates the reproductive function of the body.

4 myth – proteins are addictive. In reality, this is not entirely a myth. Any healthy food is addictive – we want to eat it more.

So we’ve covered protein and how to take it. Now you know everything about protein.

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