Prevention of high blood pressure

Prevention of high blood pressure

Why prevent?

  • Because the risk of cardiovascular disorders doubles every time systolic pressure increases by 20 mmHg and diastolic pressure increases by 10 mmHg.
  • Because controlling your blood pressure lowers the risk of stroke by 35% to 40%, and also lowers the risk of kidney problems, vascular-predominant dementia, and vision problems.
  • Finally, because most people who adopt healthy lifestyle will never have high blood pressure unless you have a hereditary component or secondary hypertension.

Screening measures

  • Your blood pressure should be measured once a year by a family doctor (at the time of your periodic medical examination).

Basic preventive measures

Maintain a healthy weight Ideally, by combining regular exercise with good eating habits.

To be active. The practice of a physical activity of moderate intensity, for at least 20 minutes, 4 to 7 times a week, is recommended to prevent and treat cardiovascular disorders. In a study of more than 6 men aged 000 to 35, those who walked 60 to 11 minutes a day reduced their risk of high blood pressure by 20% compared to those who did. hadn’t worked6. Best of all, those who walked more than 20 minutes a day reduced their risk by 30%.

Pay attention to signs of chronic stress. The relationship between stress and hypertension is complex. Everything indicates, however, that theadrénaline secreted under stress raises blood pressure due to its vasoconstrictor effect. When stress becomes chronic, it eventually damages the arteries and the heart. It is important to understand the origin of stress in order to be able to better control it.

Eat very salty foods in moderation. Maintaining a good balance between sodium intake (found in salt) and potassium (found in fruits and vegetables) is important to keep blood pressure within normal limits. A sodium / potassium ratio of 1/5 would be ideal for maintaining good blood pressure. But the average American diet contains twice as much sodium as potassium8.

It is advisable to limit sodium intake to a maximum of 2 mg per day7. The latest recommendations from the Canadian Hypertension Education Program even advise dietary sodium intake of 1 mg per day for adults aged 500 and under, and 50 mg per day for those aged 1 to 300 years. , and 51 mg per day if the age is over 70 years13. A good way to reduce your sodium intake is to avoid all ready meals, cold cuts, sauces, chips, fast foods, and certain canned foods – including soups which are often very salty.

It is also necessary to ensure to consume foods rich in Potassium. Cantaloupe, baked potato with its peel, winter squash, bananas and cooked spinach are all excellent sources.

Consume 2 to 3 meals of fish per week. The omega-3 they contain provide cardiovascular protection, according to numerous studies (see the sheet Fish oils). Favor oily fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. For their beneficial contribution in dietary fiber, antioxidants and potassium.

Limit your fat intake. To maintain good cardiovascular health.

Moderate your alcohol consumption. We recommend a maximum of 2 drinks per day (2 beers or 2 glasses of wine) for men, and 1 drink per day for women. Some people will benefit from abstaining from alcohol altogether.



Prevention of arterial hypertension: understand everything in 2 min

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