Preparation for childbirth: prenatal singing

Prenatal singing promotes well-being

Singing is great for your health and morale, even more so when you are expecting a baby! Meet in small groups, during sung sessions from 1 hour to 1:30, is a friendly way to understand your body and gain confidence in anticipation of childbirth. THE’bass sound emission helps to relax and work your breath. But singing is also offers the possibility of mobilizing your muscles and work on maintaining. During these meetings, you will also be able to discuss and share your expectations, doubts and questions with other pregnant women. Do not hesitate to invite the future dad! Not only will you have a good time singing together, but he will also be able to give you the “la” on D-day. Finally, know that these prenatal singing sessions are not reimbursed. They can be performed in addition to a classic preparation for childbirth. But some midwives may include prenatal singing in their schedule.

The progress of a prenatal singing session

A prenatal singing session is usually always done the same way. We start with small tapping all over the bone system, in order to wake up every area of ​​the body, from the hairline to the toes. After a few warm-up exercises, the midwife or the facilitator trained in this practice sings the first vocalizations. Gradually you learn to stand up by opening your rib cage, to adapt your breathing to the rhythm and to raise and lower your diaphragm to catch your breath between two series of vocalizations. It doesn’t matter if you sing out of tune. These are not singing lessons and you are not preparing The Voice! No training or “musical ear” is required. Just love to hum in the shower or enjoy singing while listening to your favorite playlist, and put your heart into it.

Pregnancy: the benefits of prenatal singing

  • For mom

Ample and calm breathing, a better breath and a lot of joy, great program, right? Over the course of the sessions, you will succeed in climbing higher in the treble, lowering lower in the bass and holding the note longer and longer. Your abdominals contract, your pelvis tilts forward, your breathing becomes more calm. By singing, you also forget a little your worries, your belly which weighs heavy at the end of pregnancy …

  • For the baby

The mother’s pelvis and skeleton form a sounding board and amplify the transmission of sounds. Conducted by amniotic fluid, these sounds reach the skin of the fetus and its nerve endings. These vibrations give it a ddelicious massage, further reinforced by the rocking that often accompanies the songs.

Already in the womb, the fetus is very sensitive to sounds, no matter how often, and if it feels relaxed and happy, so will it. Especially since these sessions often continue at home, in the car … Long after his birth, we will be surprised when we discover that the song that we sang so much when our baby was in our womb, is the one that succeeds best to soothe and reassure him some months later.

Prenatal song: and the day of delivery?

By putting one hand on your forehead and the other on your upper chest, for example, you realize that not all sounds resonate in the same parts of the body. The treble is more in the upper part and the bass in the lower part. So forgot the “ouch” and other “hi” that we pronounce instinctively in case of pain, you will know accompany your contractions with more serious sounds such as the “o” and the “a” which relax and thus facilitate the descent of the baby.

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