Is Whole Grain Pasta Healthier?

The main difference between white and whole grain pasta is the processing. Whole grains contain three grain components: the bran (the outer layer of the grain), the endosperm (the starchy part), and the germ. During the refining process, nutrient-rich bran and germ are removed from the grain under the influence of temperature, leaving only the starchy endosperm. Such a product is stored longer, has a cheaper price, and is also less nutritious. Choosing whole wheat provides the nutritional benefits of bran and germ, which include vitamin E, essential B vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. But how often should it be used? Recent studies have confirmed that three servings of whole grains per day (12 cups of cooked whole grain pasta) reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and digestive problems. However, these benefits of whole grains are true for individuals who do not suffer from allergies and intolerance to wheat. While some nutrients, including iron and B vitamins, are often added to white pasta, it cannot compete with unrefined whole grains for natural health benefits. The availability of the latter is not so wide – it will not be easy to find a whole grain dish in restaurants. Luckily, most supermarkets stock whole wheat pasta.

It may take some time to switch to this type of pasta, as its taste and texture are somewhat different from white. With the right sauce or gravy, whole grain pasta can be a tasty alternative to refined pasta and become a staple in your diet.

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