Pregnant, how to choose your vacation?

Where to go ?

Unless our doctor advises against it, we don’t have to stay confined at home. Beach aficionadas can easily enjoy a stay by the sea. Fans of nature vacations, the joys of walks in the countryside are yours. Want to recharge your batteries? Head for a breath of fresh air in the mountains. Lovers of exoticism, choose a destination in the tropics, safe for mom or baby. As you will have understood, it is all a matter of common sense! Leaving pregnant in a country without proper medical infrastructure, or packing your bags in a tropical area where malaria is rife, can turn a dream vacation into a nightmare. Likewise, considering a trekking in Nepal or a water-skiing course in the 7th month is not serious.

What means of transportation ?

Long journeys by car are not recommended for pregnant women. If you have to use this means of locomotion, you take frequent breaks and plan several stages. This reduces the risk of contractions, helps relax the legs and prevent the bladder from being over-compressed. If short trips by plane are not a problem, long-haul flights on the other hand can be tiring: little room for the legs, which increases the risk of venous thrombosis, dry air favoring dehydration, jet lag which sometimes causes a fatigue for several days… Also, we prefer a corridor seat near the emergency exits to stretch out our legs. Remember to drink frequently and wear compression stockings to promote blood circulation in the calves. Also note that airlines often refuse future mothers beyond the 8th month. The best option for traveling while pregnant is still the train. Little tiring, it does not cause contractions and allows you to move easily. To be chosen first!

What to pack absolutely?

It is imperative to slip into our suitcase: our maternity file (duplicate of our medical file with the prescriptions and the results of the examinations as well as our blood group card) and our Vitale card. If we leave France, we check that their travel insurance policy covers pregnancy and that in the event of a big problem, we can be repatriated. In Europe, we ask our social security center for the European health insurance card. Before departure, a small check-up is necessary to ensure the green light from our gynecologist. In some countries, it is not certain that pharmacies will be as well supplied as in France. We do not forget either his current treatment, or a small basic pharmacy (anti-spasmodics, antibiotics and analgesics compatible with pregnancy, disinfectants, dressings.)

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