PMS in men

Critical days for women are a well-known phenomenon. Every man felt on himself all the “delights” of this natural phenomenon. Mood swings, sudden tears, endless reproaches, irritation, anger – all this can be easily attributed to premenstrual syndrome. It turns out that it is also typical for the stronger sex.

With the question of whether PMS exists in men, turned to the famous psychologist and writer Dmitry Soroka.

Until recently, the question itself would have elicited ridicule and skepticism, but not today. From the point of view of psychology, I admit that men have a cycle when all the same manifestations (irritability, anger, apathy, capricious state) appear as if from nowhere. So maybe this is the male PMS? And the frequency of such manifestations once a month or two is very much even observed. It is clear that the cyclical decline in mood in men is easily explained and substantiated by science. This is due to hormonal imbalance. I am sure that competent specialists on this topic will be able to tell more than me. But here’s another question: how to be a woman when suddenly a PMS crept up to a man, and there are no preparations for action? For example, I have always offered women a bright and effective way: on the days of a special condition, put on a red bandage on their arm. The husband comes in and sees: aha, the wife is out of sorts today, and quickly adjusts to the situation. Well, if your man has the same “unfortunate period”, then a strategy such as an agreement will help you here. “Honey, when you’re not in the mood, how would you like to see our communication?” Most likely, your man will ask for 30 minutes just not to touch him in order to be alone. Give him this opportunity, and the mood will quickly return to normal. The second important rule is that on such days it is better not to enter into any disputes with a man. I am sure, dear girls, you yourself know that conflict on those very days is a troublesome and useless business.

Doctors also have their own opinion about premenstrual syndrome in men. “With women, everything is clear,” says endocrinologist Tatyana Frolova. – Their appearance of PMS symptoms (irritability, anger, depression, etc.) is associated with a change in the level of progesterone and its relationship with the level of estrogen in the body. Inappropriate behavior of girls can be justified by a jump in progesterone. It’s more difficult with men. Indeed, today men aged 35 to 60 are increasingly complaining of nervousness, irritability, apathy, etc. Such conditions are associated with changes in the level of the hormone testosterone. “

Testosterone is of great importance for the stronger sex, especially in adolescence. Thanks to this hormone, boys turn into men: their mustaches begin to grow, the timbre of their voice changes, and sexual attraction arises. With age, the amount of this hormone gradually decreases; in every man this happens according to an individual genetic program. On average, after the age of 30, testosterone levels fall by 1-2% per year, and after that comes depression. “I began to notice that every month there are days when I want to yell at my wife and children, break a plate, then I have a sharp regret about what I did,” says Pavel, 42. – When the peculiar attacks became more frequent, I went to the doctor. I started with a local therapist. To my horror and surprise, I was diagnosed with male irritability syndrome. We were sent to a psychologist and an endocrinologist, and asked to be tested for hormones beforehand ”.

Keeping the testosterone hormone normal will help get rid of PMS. To do this, you need to monitor your weight (in overweight men after 30 every year, testosterone in the blood becomes 10-20% less), eat right (dried fruits that contain lutein, fiber and greens, namely spinach, parsley and dill are especially useful ), give up cigarettes and alcohol, have sex more often – this stimulates the production of testosterone.

Male irritability syndrome is a term that doctors use to explain incomprehensible outbursts of anger in the stronger sex. Some doctors find a scientific explanation for this, there are those who consider this another man’s whim.

“Sometimes it seems to me that men have changed roles with us,” says psychologist Marina Fedyushina. – Equality leads to the fact that boys have forgotten how to hammer nails. What for? There is such a service “husband for an hour”. While a woman is making money, men allow themselves years of unemployment in search of a better place to work. Another type of macho today is a man who doubts everything. I chose the wrong institution, stopped being sexy, achieved nothing in life, etc. A woman sometimes even on critical days cannot afford to be weak, and men have PMS all year round. ”

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