Pivot Tables in Excel – Tutorial with Examples

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating pivot tables in Excel.

We’ll start by answering the simplest question:What are Pivot Tables in Excel?”- and then we will show how to create a simple pivot table in Excel.

The following will show you how to create a more advanced XNUMXD Excel PivotTable. Finally, we’ll show you how to sort PivotTables by data fields so that you can easily extract the information you need. Each section of the tutorial is illustrated with examples of pivot tables.

Because the interface used to create PivotTables in Excel 2003 is slightly different from later versions, we have created two versions of Parts 2 and 4 of this tutorial. Choose the one that suits your version of Excel.

It is recommended to start with the 1st part of the tutorial and study the Excel PivotTable Tutorial sequentially.

  • Part 1: What is PivotTable in Excel?
  • Part 2. How to create a simple pivot table in Excel?
  • Part 3: Grouping in a pivot table.
  • Part 4: Advanced Pivot Tables in Excel.
  • Part 5: Sorting in the pivot table.

Further in-depth training on working with PivotTables can be found on the Microsoft Office website.

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