Parents and children: how to stretch well in the morning with sophrology

6 a.m., 30 a.m. or 7 a.m., the alarm clock is never pleasant to hear! And yet, June has the longest days of the year, It would be a shame not to enjoy. The sophrologie give us a boost to be in shape from the moment you jump out of bed!

Here is the advice of Clémentine Joachim, certified sophrologist.

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Standing, check that your feet are parallel and hip-width apart, your back straight, your shoulders and neck relaxed, your head in line with your spine, your eyes closed. Also check the correct position of your children and help them, if necessary, to position themselves correctly.

Start by taking a few seconds to focus on your breathing. Observe the place in your body where you feel it the most: is it at the edge of your nostrils, in your throat, at the level of your shoulders which rise and fall in rhythm with your respiration, is it elsewhere?

Right start, any!

After taking a moment to tune in to your body, start by stretching your right side, 3 times in a row right, then left, then once with both arms.

Shift your body weight onto the right foot (both feet are in contact with the ground but you are supporting your body weight on your right foot). Take a deep breath through your nose en raising his right arm to the sky. Hold your breath for a few seconds and stretch the right side of the body, pressing the right foot into the ground and stretching the right hand skyward. If you are doing the exercise with your child (or children), tell them to try and catch the sun when they stretch their arm. Then release the arm along the body by blowing gently through the mouth, and bring the weight of the body back to both feet. Take a moment to observe the feelings of sagging muscles. Ask your child how he feels : is his arm lighter, heavier, does he have the impression of having little ants on his arm? As you move, you will certainly feel a difference in sensation between the right side and the left side.

 We continue to the left

Shift your body weight onto the left foot this time. Take a deep breath through your nose as you raise your left arm to the sky. Hold your breath and stretch the left side of the body, pushing the left foot into the ground and stretching the left hand skyward. Again, tell your child that the sun has not been caught, and that you have to try again by raising your arm very high. Then release the arm along the body, blowing gently through the mouth, and bring your body weight back to both feet. Take a moment to observe the feelings of relaxation of your muscles. Ask your child how he feels in his other arm. Is he like the right arm? Lighter, heavier, with a sensation of small tingling …

Both arms in the air!

To finish, stretch your two arms to the sky : Breathe in deeply through your nose while raising both arms to the sky. Hold your breath and pull your hands up to the sky, seeking to grow taller. Suggest that your child try to become as big as you! Come on, he has to pull very hard on his arms to gain a few millimeters! Feel the opening of your ribs, the unwinding of your belly, the lengthening of your back muscles. Then breathe gently through your mouth, relaxing your arms at your sides. Observe all the pleasant sensations in your body and realize the benefits of your movements associated with your breathing. 

The day can now begin. You will see, you will feel much more alert!

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