Pair work: the combination of which foods will help you lose weight

You do not need to resort to various diets to lose weight. It is enough to correctly combine the foods on your plate for the most effective assimilation, and the numbers on the scales will delight you in the very near future. 

Protein and greens 

Any salad with lean meat is the right step towards losing weight. Greens are rich in fiber, which evens out blood sugar levels, and vitamins A, C, and E to aid digestion. Protein perfectly saturates and blocks hunger for a long time, and is also a building material for our muscles. Thanks to the greens, it is easier to digest.

Greens and carbohydrates

Carbohydrate products such as potatoes, rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta are irreplaceable sources of energy. Thanks to them, you will not begin to rush to fast carbohydrates in the form of sugar. The habit of eating side dishes with meat is fundamentally wrong. Add greens to cereals and you will quickly feel the difference.


Coffee and fruit

Coffee is an invigorating antioxidant that also helps boost metabolism. Fruits have a similar effect, and this duo will enhance the return of energy and vitality. This, in turn, will affect weight loss, because active people are less prone to weight gain.

Greens and fats

Fat should not be excluded from the diet, both vegetable and animal. They contain many of the nutrients our skin and hair need. Greens help not only to digest fats, but also to assimilate them correctly, preventing them from being deposited in problem areas.


Combining different types of fruits in one plate, you enhance the effect of weight loss several times. Fruit salads and smoothies are a great snack to dampen sugar cravings and give you the energy you need all day long.

Be healthy!

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