Périarthrite scapulo-humérale

Périarthrite scapulo-humérale

Scapulohumeral periarthritis refers to damage to the shoulder. It is manifested by pain and sometimes a sensation of frozen, blocked or paralyzed shoulder. Several therapeutic approaches can be considered depending on the case.

What is scapulohumeral periarthritis?

Definition of scapulohumeral periarthritis

Scapulohumeral periarthritis is one of the most common types of periarthritis. Periarthritis is a generic term used to refer to inflammation in one of the structures of a joint. In this case, the joint concerned is the scapulo-humeral joint. This is the main shoulder joint: it forms the junction between the scapula (scapula) and the humerus (arm bone).

Causes of scapulohumeral periarthritis

The origin of scapulohumeral periarthritis can be very different depending on the case. The causes are all the more numerous as the inflammation can affect different structures of the joint.

We can speak of scapulohumeral periarthritis in particular in the following situations:

  • rupture of the rotator cuff, that is to say the more or less important tear of a musculo-tendinous structures which form the rotator cuff (a kind of “hat” above the head of the humerus);
  • tendinitis which corresponds to an inflammation of the tendons;
  • calcifying tendinitis, or more commonly calcification of the shoulder, which corresponds to the formation within one or more tendons of a calcium deposit;
  • adhesive capsulitis, which is inflammation of the joint capsule (fibrous and elastic envelope surrounding the joints);
  • Shoulder bursitis, which is an inflammation that affects the bursae (fluid-filled pockets located around the joints and involved in the lubrication and sliding of joint structures).

People affected by periarthritis

Scapulo-humeral periarthritis can affect anyone. However, they are more frequent in athletes and their incidence increases with age.

Risk factors

In general, all activities that frequently and / or repeatedly stress the scapulohumeral joint can promote scapulohumeral periarthritis. Certain sports activities and certain professions can thus increase the risk of developing this type of inflammation.

A clinical examination makes it possible to make a first diagnosis. It is usually confirmed and / or deepened by medical imaging exams such as x-rays.

Symptoms of scapulohumeral periarthritis

Shoulder pain

Scapulo-humeral periarthritis is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory pain in the shoulder. These can be permanent and intensify during upper limb movements.

Possible discomfort in movement

In some cases, the pain may be accompanied by a feeling of frozen, blocked or paralyzed shoulder. Lower limb movements can be made difficult or even impossible.

Treatments for scapulohumeral periarthritis

Immobilization and rest

The first step in the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis is usually immobilization of the joint. 

Drug treatments

Local and general anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to fight inflammation, relieve pain and thus restore joint comfort. In some cases, anesthetics may be prescribed to calm shoulder pain.


Physiotherapy sessions can be offered to regain the mobility of the joint.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention may be considered in the most severe forms of scapulohumeral periarthritis and when previous treatments have proven ineffective.

Prevent scapulohumeral periarthritis

The prevention of scapulohumeral periarthritis is based primarily on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with good eating habits and regular physical activity.

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