Ovarian apoplexy

General description of the disease


Ovarian apoplexy is an unexpected violation of the integrity of the ovarian capsule (left or right), which is accompanied by profuse bleeding into the ovarian cavity, sometimes abdominal hemorrhage may occur.

Read also our dedicated ovarian nutrition article.

Reasons for ruptured ovary:

  • inflammatory processes in the gynecological field;
  • hormonal background (with a hormonal malfunction, a large amount of blood can accumulate in the ovaries, the walls of the ovary stretch, then they cannot cope with the pressure and its tissues burst);
  • poor blood clotting;
  • ovulation;
  • all sorts of problems with blood vessels (thrombophlebitis, sclerosis, varicose veins, a thin vascular wall of the ovary);
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • various injuries to the lower abdomen;
  • rough intercourse;
  • lifting heavy.

Symptoms of the manifestation of ovarian apoplexy:

  1. 1 hemorrhagic apoplexy – characterized by severe hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, while the woman becomes very pale, feels severe malaise and weakness, may lose consciousness or feel severe dizziness;
  2. 2 painful ovarian apoplexy – severe, acute pain in the left or right ovary, anal canal, sometimes the symptoms are similar to an attack of appendicitis;
  3. 3 mixed apoplexy – a combination of the first two described symptoms occurs.

Ovarian apoplexy can be of different severity:

  • mild degree (otherwise – the first) – minor abdominal hemorrhage (up to 150 milliliters of blood);
  • moderate (second degree) – blood loss ranges from 150 milliliters to 500;
  • severe course (third degree) – the volume of blood loss is above half a liter.

Useful foods for ovarian apoplexy

To restore the body after an illness (especially with abdominal hemorrhage), it is necessary to adhere to the following principles of a healthy and wholesome diet:

  • be sure to eat food rich in proteins (they will help to increase the level of hemoglobin), you should eat: beef meat and liver, buckwheat porridge, beans and lentils, fish, vegetables – pumpkin, potatoes, beets, carrots, from greens: parsley, lettuce, celery, garlic (both feathers and chives are useful), fruits and berries – pomegranates, apricots, apples, currants, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries and everything that has a red and orange color;
  • drink plenty of fluids (it is better to choose products with alkali, as they will help restore the acid-alkaline environment of the blood): fresh juices (especially from pomegranate, apples and carrots), mineral water, natural teas made from black chokeberry berries, rose hips, currants and strawberries are ideal ;
  • there is a hematogen (only you need to strictly observe the norms specified in the instructions);
  • bee bread and honey (help to increase the level of red blood cells and normalize leukocytes), you need to eat them one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach and drink a glass of clean, filtered water (non-carbonated mineral water is also good);
  • be sure to eat dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes;
  • nuts.

Traditional medicine for ovarian apoplexy:

  1. 1 Healing mixture to strengthen the body and the walls of blood vessels. In equal parts, take raisins, prunes, walnuts, lemon, dried apricots. Grind and mix everything, pour 200 grams of honey and a tablespoon of aloe juice. Consume 2 weeks three times a day, a teaspoon.
  2. 2 Take a teaspoon of flax seeds, wrap it in a gauze cloth, dip it in boiling water (you need to hold it for a few minutes), let it cool to a tolerable temperature, attach it to the ovary where there was a rupture, leave it overnight.
  3. 3 Useful extracts of St. John’s wort, chamomile, burdock, calendula, immortelle, yarrow, rape. It is better to do broths in a thermos and in such quantities that they only last for a day. You need to prepare fresh infusions every day. Douching can also be done from them.
  4. 4 If it is impossible to stop the bleeding for a long time, then it is necessary to drink decoctions from shepherd’s purse, horsetail, burnet, water pepper and barberry leaves (the last two tinctures are very effective for uterine bleeding and can be bought at any pharmacy; you need to take 20 drops before meals, diluted in 1/3 cup of water).

Remember! Traditional medicine will help cure mild ovarian apoplexy and restore the body after an illness. In severe cases of apoplexy, hospitalization is necessary. Therefore, at the first suspicion of this disease, you should seek help from medical institutions and undergo a diagnosis, and not start self-medication without an accurate diagnosis.


Dangerous and harmful foods for ovarian apoplexy

Avoid foods that contain acetic acid, caffeine, alcohol, trans fats (and in general, you should limit your fat intake). Namely:

  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • vinegar;
  • sweet soda;
  • brine;
  • strong alcoholic drinks, especially surrogate ones;
  • Black tea;
  • coffee;
  • muffin;
  • convenience foods and fast food.

All these products destroy the walls of blood vessels, slow down the process of absorption of iron. Acetic acid, on the other hand, destroys the membranes of erythrocytes, under the influence of acid, erythrocytes stick together, which leads to their death.

At the time of replenishing the hemoglobin level by the body (with large blood loss), it is necessary to reduce the consumption of dairy products and foods with a high calcium content (it does not allow the iron to be absorbed in full).


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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