Nutrition for vitamin deficiency

General description of the disease

Avitaminosis is a disease that occurs due to insufficient intake of vitamins in the body for a long time. Often, the largest number of those suffering from vitamin deficiency occurs in the winter-spring period.

Depending on what vitamin is lacking in the body, the following types of vitamin deficiency are distinguished:

  • if there is a lack of vitamin A, night blindness occurs;
  • vitamin B1 – take it;
  • vitamin C – a person is sick with scurvy;
  • vitamin D – a disease such as rickets occurs;
  • vitamin PP – tormented by pellagra.

Also, if the required amount of several types of vitamins does not enter the body at the same time, a type of vitamin deficiency occurs – polyavitaminosis, when a vitamin is supplied in an incomplete amount of vitamin – hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency).

The causes of vitamin deficiency:

  1. 1 improper diet;
  2. 2 insufficient intake of food that contains vitamins and minerals;
  3. 3 poor quality products;
  4. 4 gastrointestinal problems;
  5. 5 the intake of antivitamins into the body (this can be observed when taking medications that are used to treat excessive blood clotting, for example, taking dicumarol, syncumar.);
  6. 6 unfavorable ecology.

The main signs (symptoms) of vitamin deficiency:

  • Peeling of the skin, the presence of inflamed areas of the skin, small sores, cracks, bruises do not disappear for a long time, irritation on clothes or jewelry that you did not notice before.
  • Nails break, exfoliate, the nail plate fades, there may be white stripes or stripes (otherwise this effect is called “blooming” of nails);
  • Hair loss, the appearance of wounds on the scalp, profuse dandruff, the hair suddenly began to turn gray, the hair structure became brittle.
  • Bleeding gums, swelling of the tongue (sometimes the tongue can change its color, become covered with plaque), teeth crumbling, sores on the tongue and cheeks.
  • Tearing and redness of the eyes, sometimes puffiness under the eyes, constant itching in the eye area. This can lead to ghosting, white reflections, and sensitivity to bright light.
  • Pain in muscles, joints, their swelling, rarely – the presence of seizures, numbness of the limbs, problems with coordination of movement.
  • Constant feeling of coldness, fatigue, sometimes increased or changed body odor.
  • A haunting feeling of anxiety, fear, dissatisfaction, loss of energy, inattention, increased irritability and aggression.
  • Digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation, overweight, high cholesterol, poor appetite, dull taste buds, constantly feeling nauseous).
  • Decreased sexual activity (malnutrition is not beneficial).

Useful foods for vitamin deficiency

To prevent the appearance of vitamin deficiency or overcome it, you need to know which foods contain certain vitamins. Here is a list of products, divided into groups:

  • Vitamin A – is responsible for vision and helps in the formation of the skeleton. To get it, you need to add carrots, beets, pumpkin, nettles, peppers (red), apricots, corn to your diet. It is worth noting that palmitate (vitamin A) does not disintegrate during heat treatment, but it is better, of course, to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Vitamin group b:- V1 (thiamine) – responsible for the central nervous system and metabolic processes. Thiamine produces intestinal microflora on its own, but to a very small extent for the body. Therefore, in order to compensate for this deficiency, you need to eat bread and flour products made from high-grade wheat flour; cereals, namely: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal; meat (especially pork and beef); legumes; nuts; egg yolk; yeast;

    V2 (riboflabin, otherwise “growth vitamin”) – takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, helps to quickly tighten wounds. Present in yeast, cereals, dairy products, fish, meat, eggs, fresh vegetables. Ultraviolet rays and alkali have a negative effect.

  • Vitamin C – helps fight viral diseases. To enrich the body with ascorbic acid, it is necessary to eat strawberries, citrus fruits, apples, sorrel, cabbage, potatoes, black currants, legumes, herbs, sweet peppers, rose hips. Under the influence of high temperatures (namely, during boiling), this vitamin is destroyed. Also, little vitamin C remains in dried fruits and vegetables.
  • Vitamin D (“Vitamin of the sun”, calciferol) – controls the absorption of calcium in the human body. It is produced by the sun’s rays that hit the skin. But this amount is not enough for the body, so it is necessary to eat fish oil, red fish, caviar, butter, liver, sour cream, milk.
  • Vitamin E (“Vitamin of youth”, tocopherol) – controls the work of the gonads and is responsible for the performance of the functions of the muscular system. To keep the skin toned and be young for a long time, it is necessary to use and add egg yolk, vegetable oil, rose hips, spinach, parsley, dill, sorrel when preparing dishes.

Recommendations on how best to store food so that vitamins are not wasted

  1. 1 Store food in a cool, dark place.
  2. 2 Do not keep vegetables, fruits, green leaves in water for a long time.
  3. 3 Do not leave in direct sunlight or fluorescent light.
  4. 4 You should not cut and peel vegetables and fruits in advance (for example, peeling potatoes in the evening – all vitamins are lost overnight).
  5. 5 Meat and fish dishes are best baked in a baking sleeve or foil.
  6. 6 Do not pour out the water in which the legumes were soaked, but use it for cooking hot dishes (it also contains many vitamins).
  7. 7 Always store pickled cucumbers and cabbage under load and in brine. When you take them out of the jar, before consumption, in no case should you rinse them under water (just squeeze the cabbage leaves from the juice).
  8. 8 When defrosting, do not immerse the meat in water to shorten the time.
  9. 9 Put vegetables and meat for cooking only in boiling water.
  10. 10 Try not to store dishes for a long time (it is better to eat them right away), cut the salads just before use (if you are expecting guests, then at least do not salt, pepper and season the salad before they arrive).

Folk remedies for vitamin deficiency

Among the people, the most common way to combat vitamin deficiency is fortified teas, herbal teas and the use of healthy combinations of fruits and vegetables.

  • Place 5 prunes, 3 figs, 2 medium apples, 2 lemon wedges and 3 apricots in a pot of water. Boil the whole set of fruits over low heat for 7-12 minutes. Have breakfast with this broth.
  • Take rose hips, lingonberries, nettle leaves (should be in a proportion: 3 to 2 to 3). Mix. Drink like tea three times a day.
  • Viburnum tea has a tonic and restorative effect. Take 30 grams of viburnum berries, pour half liters of water, put on fire, let it boil. Insist 2 hours. This drink should be drunk in the morning and in the evening, 100 milliliters each. Rowan tea has the same properties.The use of people with low blood pressure is contraindicated.
  • In the treatment of vitamin deficiency, an indispensable remedy is coniferous broth. To prepare it, you need to take coniferous or pine needles, cut into small pieces. Add them to water (there should be 2 times more water). Put on low heat, after boiling, leave for 30 minutes. Filter, drink throughout the day.
  • Take 1 egg, separate the egg from the yolk, add a little lemon or orange juice and 15 grams of honey to the yolk. Received to eat in the morning instead of breakfast.
  • Take in equal proportions (1 to 1 to 1) wheat, barley, oatmeal. Grind in a coffee grinder or table in a mortar, pour hot water (for 1 tablespoon of the mixture there should be 200 milliliters of water). Let it brew for 2 hours. Filter through cheesecloth. Drink when weakness, dizziness, along with honey.
  • Take one lemon and put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes to soften. Get it. Do not peel the peel. Grate or scroll through a meat grinder. Add a little oil, 4 teaspoons of honey. Mix everything well until smooth. Eat with tea.
  • For 5 glasses of water, take one glass of oats. Put on gas, cook until liquid jelly. Filter. Add the same amount of boiled milk to the resulting liquid (you can also add raw milk). Add 150 grams of honey. Drink such a decoction of 65-100 milliliters three times a day.
  • Take oats and add three times more water. Leave to infuse for 24 hours at room temperature. Strain. Store the resulting infusion in a cold place (preferably in the refrigerator). Warm up before taking, drink 50 milliliters at a time 20 minutes before meals. The number of receptions is 3-4.

Dangerous and harmful foods for vitamin deficiency

The most harmful “non-living” food in case of avitaminosis, which not only does not provide useful vitamins and microelements, but also inhibits their assimilation with normal healthy food.

Such products include:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • chips, crackers;
  • fast food;
  • sausage, not homemade sausages;
  • canned food;
  • mayonnaise and various store snacks;
  • products with “E” coding;
  • margarine, spreads, dairy products and organ meats, and other foods that contain trans fats.


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