Nutrition for the liver

The influence of the liver on the entire human body can hardly be overestimated. Its role is clear from the very name. The liver (from the word “bake, burn”) processes all the substances unnecessary for the body. And the energy obtained as a result of this reaction is directed to the necessary parts of the body.

The liver is a large unpaired organ located on the right side of the body, under the diaphragm. Consists of two lobes: right and left. The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Due to its unique properties, it is capable of converting all kinds of poisons, allergens and toxins into substances that can be easily excreted from the body.

Interesting facts about the liver

  • The well-known vitamins such as B12, vitamin A and vitamin D are found in our body only in the liver.
  • The liver has truly unique regenerative abilities. After removing one lobe of the liver, it is able to recover in a very short time.
  • The liver is most actively involved in the processing of harmful substances from 18 to 20 hours.
  • The volume of blood being filtered per day exceeds more than 2000 liters.

Foods useful for the liver

Apples. Contains pectins. Can be eaten raw, baked and boiled. Every day, you should eat at least 2 pieces.

Carrots, pumpkin and bell peppers. They contain carotene, which is transformed in the body into vitamin A.


White cabbage. Binds toxins.

Seaweed. It contains a large amount of pectins and organic iodine.

Beet. Just like white cabbage, it has cleansing properties.

Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, dates. Potassium source.

Chicory. Strengthens blood circulation and metabolic processes in the liver.

Herring, cod. Contains beneficial acids of the Omega class.

Milk thistle. It has a hepatoprotective (protective) effect on hepatocytes (liver cells).

Rosehip. Contains a large amount of natural vitamin C, which is responsible for the functioning of hepatocytes.

Rowan. Due to its bitter taste and many useful substances (contains carotene and vitamin C), it improves liver function. It has a general tonic effect on the entire body.


Overeating is a dangerous enemy of the liver. She feels herself in a state of incessant emergency work. As a result of plentiful feasts, “fatigue” of the liver occurs, which manifests itself in such symptoms as heaviness in the side and bitterness in the mouth. Doctors recommend fractional meals without excesses, plenty of drink, a varied and vitamin-rich diet. It is advisable to limit the consumption of fatty foods.

Folk remedies for cleansing the liver.

The following herbs are famous for a good result of liver cleansing: yarrow, chicory, smoke, mint, wormwood, corn stigmas, sandy cumin (immortelle), dandelion, nettle, plantain.

These herbs contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to the liver.

The collection is prepared as follows. All herbs are mixed in equal amounts (2 tablespoons each). The infusion is prepared as follows: 3-4 tbsp. l. place the mixture in a thermos and pour boiling water (0.5 liters). Let it brew. Take one glass on an empty stomach. Drink a second glass before bed (you can add a little honey as a sweetener).

The course is designed for one month. Repeat once every six months. This course well cleanses the liver from toxins and toxins.

See also our series of articles Liver cleaning at home. You will learn more about the liver and the functions it performs, how to determine the need to cleanse the liver, how to prepare your body for the cleaning procedure, general recommendations and what to do after the procedures. What we get as a result and how often it is necessary to carry out cleaning. And also what are the contraindications and warnings.

Foods harmful to the liver

  • Strong meat and mushroom broths – contain purines, that is, proteins that are difficult to process.
  • Fatty meat (especially pork and lamb) is a big load on the liver, additional synthesis of bile is required.
  • Radish, radish, garlic, mustard, wild garlic, horseradish, cilantro – irritate the liver.
  • Sour fruits and vegetables.
  • Alcoholic beverages – too much energy is expended on neutralizing their harmful effects. (A small amount of dark beer and red wine are acceptable).

Read also about nutrition for other organs:

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