Nutrition for deprivation

General description of the disease

Lichen is a skin disorder characterized by a rash (scaly patches, small itchy nodules, or inflammatory papule patches). The term “lichen” includes a number of dermatoses caused by various types of microbes, viruses or microscopic fungi. The disease proceeds unpredictably: it suddenly arises, then subsides, it can slowly develop for months or years.

Causes of the disease

Route of transmission of the disease: zooanthropophilic pathogens are transmitted from an infected pet to a person; anthropophilic pathogens are transmitted from sick person to person; geophilic pathogens (most often, fungi) enter the human skin through contact with the ground.

Prerequisites for the onset of lichen

If a person is already infected with pathogens, then lichen can manifest itself during a period when the body’s immune level is lowered due to severe stress, hypothermia, allergic reactions to medications or long-term illness. Often a genetic predisposition contributes to the development of lichen.

Varieties of lichen and their signs

  1. 1 Lichen Zhiber or “pink lichen” (causative agent: herpesvirus type XNUMX) begins to develop from a single (maternal) spot, its core turns yellow after a while and begins to peel off. Over the course of several days, small spots appear on the chest, back, hips and shoulders, which may itch slightly.
  2. 2 Pityriasis or “multicolored” lichen (causative agent: Pityrosporum ovale mushroom) is characterized by the appearance of flaky, well-defined spots of light, white, dark, red-brown color. Often, this type of lichen occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance, which is provoked by diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, Cushing’s syndrome, cancer problems, tuberculosis, diseases of the endocrine system. The pathogen is transmitted through contact with a sick person or through everyday things.
  3. 3 Trichophytosis or ringworm (causative agent: anthropophilic trichophyton that parasitizes inside the hair) differs in that it affects the head, smooth skin and nail plates. On them, pink scaly spots are formed, covered with white-gray scales, as well as areas of thinning hair or their broken off remnants. Often the disease is accompanied by itching or deterioration of the general condition.
  4. 4 Shingles (causative agent: Herpes zoster virus, which affects nerve cells) is characterized by fever, severe headache, malaise, skin inflammation and pain in the area of ​​the sensory nerve. In the chest area, the skin is covered with bubbles with transparent contents, which eventually dry out and peel off, after which intoxication and pain subside, but signs of neuralgia persist for several months. This type of lichen can develop against the background of chronic stress, overwork, decreased immunity, bone marrow transplantation, cancer or medication.
  5. 5 Lichen planus develops on the skin, mucous membrane or nails and manifests itself as many flat red nodules with a “depressed” core that itch unbearably. Usually, rashes appear on the elbows, lower abdomen, armpits, lower back, and forearms.

Useful foods for shingles

The diet for the treatment of this disease depends on the specific type of lichen, but common to it is the use of products such as:

  • dairy products (cream, kefir, butter);
  • greens, salads, green vegetables and breakfast cereals;
  • mineral water (for example, from the city of Uzhgorod);
  • foods that are additionally fortified with iron (bread, baby food, confectionery);
  • honey.

With shingles, it is recommended to use:

  • foods with a high vitamin E content (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, eel, rose hips, wheat, walnuts, spinach, squid, viburnum, sorrel, salmon, pike perch, prunes, oatmeal, barley, germs wheat, vegetable oil, seeds);
  • foods that are sources of bioflavonoids and antioxidants (onions, apples, cranberries, grapes, apricots, raspberries, blueberries, chocolate, cherries, blueberries, prunes, browncoli, raisins, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, broccoli, plums, beets, red bell peppers , cherry, kiwi, corn, eggplant, carrot).

With pink lichen, it is recommended to adhere to a dairy-plant diet.

Folk remedies for deprivation

As well as diet, the use of folk remedies depends on the type of lichen. For example, the following remedies are used to treat lichen lichen:

  • herbal infusion No. 1 (one teaspoon of St. John’s wort, centaury, nettle, juniper, horsetail, yarrow, plantain and half a teaspoon of rosemary, wormwood, sage);
  • herbal infusion No. 2 (in equal parts of astragalus grass, penny root, birch buds, clover flowers, wormwood grass, dandelion root, string grass);
  • herbal infusion No. 3 (in equal parts of tansy flowers, yarrow herb, immortelle flowers, burdock root, edelweiss herb, goldenrod herb, thistle herb).

Dangerous and harmful foods for shingles

With this disease, exclude spices (horseradish, pepper, mustard), pickles, pickles, spicy dishes, alcohol from the diet. The use of foods containing purines should be limited: meat of young animals, concentrated broths or meat extracts, fish, chicken, mushroom broths, jelly, meat sauces, smoked meats, by-products (kidneys, heart, brains, liver), fatty fish, salted and fried fish, canned fish, caviar, spicy and salty cheeses. Do not drink large quantities of cocoa, strong tea, coffee. Also, do not eat animal or cooking fats, cakes, cream cakes, chocolate, legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, beans), foods that contain preservatives (juices, canned food, and soda).


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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