Nutrition: 8 good reflexes to balance your intestinal flora

A good balance of the intestinal flora is essential for our health. Rich in “good bacteria” and diversified, a balanced intestinal microbiota ensures good transit, improves immune defenses, and could even reduce stress. So we adopt these 8 food reflexes, for an intestinal flora at the top! 


1. No more white bread, long live wholemeal bread!

We choose it sourdough, multi-grain or wholemeal, for its fiber and / or yeast intake. In addition, wholemeal bread promotes satiety, so we consume less than white bread, whose flour is refined.

2. Lots of fruits and vegetables!

Rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, fruits and vegetables are essential for the proper functioning of our body and facilitate digestion. We try to eat them with the skin, rich in micronutrients which will be very appreciated by our gut microbiota – so we wash them well and / or buy them organic.

3. Not too much meat

Excessive meat consumption can promote the appearance of toxins during digestion. Not good for our intestinal flora! We therefore eat meat in moderation. 

4. Wholegrain cereals

Unlike refined grains, whole grains have kept their outer shell, which is very rich in fiber, and their germ intact. We choose the “whole” rice and pasta. And we think of quinoa, rye, millet, kamut, barley… In short, we vary whole grains to promote a diversified intestinal flora. 

5. Long live yogurts!

Fermented milk contains bacteria that enrich the intestinal flora. You can even equip yourself with a yogurt maker and make your own yogurts, it’s simple and economical.

6. A diet rich in prebiotics

A diet rich in prebiotics. These are the nutrients in probiotics, which protect our intestinal flora from pathogenic bacteria. They are found in onions, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, mango, apples … 

Baby poop has superpowers! 

Researchers from the Wake Forest School of Medicine (North Carolina, USA) report that newborn stools may help some sick people improve their health. After collecting 10 species of bacteria in their feces, the scientists developed a “probiotic cocktail” which, once ingested by sick people (diabetes, obesity, etc.) could help their body to boost the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), which are essential for good intestinal health. 


7. We also think about it …

Dried fruits (almonds, walnuts), sauerkraut, kefir, fatty fish (mackerel, sardines …) promote the balance of our intestinal flora. So we do not deprive ourselves of it! 

8. We avoid …

Certain foods or medications unbalance our gut microbiota. We therefore try to limit their consumption to what is strictly necessary: ​​sugar, processed foods, pesticides present on fruits and vegetables (if possible, we therefore choose these organic), antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. 

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In video: 8 good reflexes to balance your intestinal flora

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