Natural protein for the care of your heart. Love soy!
Natural protein for the care of your heart. Love soy!Natural protein for the care of your heart. Love soy!

Soy is not only an alternative to meat among vegetarians – it is also a medical phenomenon with many health benefits. Doctors emphasize its positive effect on the heart, because in combination with a low-fat diet it can work wonders!

This natural product, being the only protein of plant origin, provides the human body with the right dose of all essential amino acids. Even 25 grams of soy protein per day reduces the risk of heart disease. Of course, it is necessary to follow a low-cholesterol and low-fat diet, but for people with heart problems, the need for such a diet is mandatory. New evidence of soy’s positive effects on the heart continues to emerge. Currently, it is found that lunasin contained in it has a special influence on this.

What else makes soy good for your heart?

It perfectly affects the entire circulatory system, is rich in highly saturated fats, but does not contain cholesterol and only trace amounts of saturated fats. By replacing soy with animal protein in your menu, you will replace unhealthy fats and cholesterol with super-healthy vegetable protein. The fat contained in soy also improves the elasticity of blood vessels, and in a duet with fiber is an irreplaceable way to strengthen the heart. It binds to cholesterol, preventing its absorption in the body and thus reducing the risk of clogging of the arteries.

According to research, fiber also reduces the risk of heart disease, but hardly any plant is rich in both protein and fiber. Soya is unique in this respect – it combines the content of these two beneficial ingredients.

The extraordinary power of lunasin

The natural peptide found in soy, lunasin, cleanses the bloodstream of bad cholesterol and interferes with its accumulation in the liver. Doctors are increasingly talking about the unique properties of this ingredient – it is one of the most important components of soy, which has significant anti-inflammatory properties and helps maintain a healthy circulatory system.

Scientists predict that its action may be more effective than statins, because it works at a fairly early stage of cholesterol production. It does this in two ways: first it interferes with the production of an enzyme that causes the liver to secrete cholesterol, and then it increases the receptors in the liver cells that get rid of bad cholesterol from the bloodstream.

As you can see, the consumption of soy has only benefits for our circulatory system. What’s more, thanks to the fiber content, it satisfies you for a long time, has relatively few carbohydrates and inhibits fat absorption, so it will be an excellent weight loss aid.

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