Molybdenum – role in the body, deficiency, excess

Molybdenum is one of the rarest elements on Earth, but it can still be found in human and animal tissues. Its excess or deficiency can be very harmful to the body, so you need to ensure that it is always at the right level in our body. How can you replenish molybdenum deficiencies? Is this element found in foods or do you need to take dietary supplements?

The role of molybdenum in the body

Molybdenum in the human body, it can be found primarily in the liver, kidneys, teeth and bones. You could say that, even though molybdenum in the human body it occurs in trace amounts, it still plays a very important role. It enables, among other things, the production of enzymes that are necessary for the absorption of fats and sugars, i.e. it is needed to provide cells with energy. Molybdenum it also affects the absorption of iron, and therefore indirectly protects us from falling into anemia. It occurs in teeth and bones and is needed for their proper growth, especially in adolescence. Interestingly, it also affects male fertility.

Molybdenum deficiency and excess in the body

As with any nutrient, both a molybdenum deficiency and excess are detrimental to health. If we like to eat vegetables and fruits, we should not suffer from a deficiency of molybdenum, because it occurs in marshy and calcareous soils, and from the soil it is transferred to vegetables or fruits growing on it. However, not all soil has the same level of molybdenum. Therefore, it cannot be said that every fruit or vegetable supplies the body with the same amount of this element.

Symptoms of molybdenum deficiency there may be unexplained headache, confusion, irritability, breathing problems, uneven heartbeat, iron deficiency, vomiting.

An excess of molybdenum in the body may appear when high doses of this element are taken – more than 10 mg per day. The digestive system and joints are most often damaged then. Symptoms of excess molybdenum are also reduced absorption of copper and iron.

Molybdenum – Where Is It?

In order to supply the body with molybdenum, it is necessary to provide in the diet such products as: beans, peas, soybeans, green-leaved vegetables or whole grain flour products.. Eggs, beef and animal offal also contain molybdenum. This element can also be found in red cabbage, milk, cheese, wholemeal bread, buckwheat and rice.

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