Cysteine ​​- how does it work? Dietary sources of cysteine

Cysteine ​​is a substance that belongs to the group of endogenous amino acids, i.e. those that the human body is able to produce on its own. However, the production of cysteine ​​is not possible without providing the body with appropriate substances in the food. Why is it worth paying attention to cysteine ​​and why it is important for human health.

Cysteine ​​- what is it?

Cysteina, i.e. α-amino-β-thiolopropionic acid, is a compound that belongs to the group of 22 basic branched amino acids. Cysteine characterized by the presence of the so-called the tulle group, which is involved in the process of creating disulfide bridges, responsible for the correct structure of proteins. Cysteinatogether with homocysteine ​​and methionine, they form the so-called sulfur amino acids. Formation cysteiny is associated with the process of transposition of the sulfur atom from the methionine molecule to serine, in which the adeno-triphosphate (ATP) molecule takes part.

Cysteine ​​- action

Cysteina it is necessary for the human body to properly carry out many processes. Cysteina participates in:

  1. production of collagen, which is responsible for the healthy appearance of the skin, its firmness and youthful appearance. In addition, keratin protects against osteoporosis;
  2. structure of glutathione. Glutathione has an antioxidant effect, fights free radicals;
  3. production of hormones and important proteins.

also cysteina has antiallergic properties. It soothes the symptoms of allergies such as itching or inflammation. Cysteina strengthens the immunity of our body, it also has expectorant properties, therefore maintaining an appropriate level cysteiny it is especially important in the autumn and winter period, when we are exposed to colds. Cysteina facilitates the process of cleaning the lungs and bronchi; cysteina it is used to treat conditions such as asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Recent works indicate that cysteina may be helpful in the treatment of male infertility – it increases sperm mobility and vitality.

Cysteina shows strong antioxidant effecttherefore it cannot be missing in the diet of people at risk of developing cancer. Moreover, cysteina it is one of the components that protect nerve cells, therefore it is assumed that it protects against the development of Parkinson’s disease or senile dementia.

Cysteina has a protective effect on the kidneys and liver, so it cannot be missing from the diet of people taking strong medications. Cysteina it also allows you to maintain an appropriate level of glucose in the blood. However, it is worth knowing that cysteina can lower insulin levels, so use cysteiny by people with diabetes should be subject to strict medical supervision.

Cysteina it is also recommended as diet supplement people experiencing chronic digestive problems – it has a beneficial effect on the intestines and stomach.

Cysteine ​​- where can we find it?

Cysteina it can be independently produced by our body, but it is worth knowing what ingredients to take care of in food to provide our body with the optimal amount of substances. Most cysteiny found in soybeans and pistachios (respectively) 655 mg / 100 g and 449 mg / 100 g. High content cysteiny they also show: sunflower seeds (451 mg / 100 g), salt (362 mg / 100 g), chicken eggs (272 mg / 100 g), parmesan (246 mg / 100 g), meat (depending on the type, 220- 240 mg / 100 g), salmon (219 mg / 100 g) and walnuts 208 mg / 100 g). Cysteine we can also find large quantities in legumes such as beans or lentils, in spirulina and in milk.

Cysteina is also available in the form of dietary supplements, but remember to decide on supplementation cysteine consult a doctor.

Daily dose cysteiny in the form of a dietary supplement, it should usually be in the range of 50-500 mg. Cysteine should be taken in the company of vitamin C.

Cysteine ​​deficiency

Invalid quantity cysteiny in our body, it primarily causes symptoms related to the skin, hair and nails – brittle, falling out hair, brittle nails and ugly, keratinized skin. In such a situation, first of all, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and consider changing your eating habits to one that includes foods containing large amounts of cysteiny.

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