Method Tracy Anderson for beginners

Method Tracy Anderson the for beginners is a video of the famous American trainer, is specially designed for inexperienced people in fitness. The quality of exercises for the whole body will help you lose weight and change shape.

Program description Tracy Anderson The Method for Beginners

Method Tracy Anderson are known for their effectiveness: use it to transform your pieces people all over the world. In order to adapt his famous technique for beginners, the coach decided to release an introductory course: The Method for Beginners. Unlike other programs Tracy explains in detail the techniques and perform them slowly so you can accurately replicate the proposed motion. That is why the training is held in constant tension: you always have to control the correct execution of the exercises.

The complex consists of two workouts of 30 minutes, you’ll alternate between them to achieve quick results:

  • Workout 1. It includes toning exercises for muscle development and aerobic exercise based on dance ligaments.
  • Workout 2. The second workout is a complex skulptorius exercises to correct problem areas and create beautiful forms.

For exercises you will need dumbbells (1 kg), the chair and ankle weights and wrists. You can do without weights, especially if you are just starting to do fitness. Follow the program The Method for Beginners minimum during the month, and then can move on to more advanced exercises from Tracy Anderson. For example, try complex “Metamorphosis”, which proposes individual work on the body depending on your genetic characteristics.

The pros and cons of the program


1. The program is designed for beginners: Tracy Anderson explains in detail the exercises, and all exercise is at a slow pace so you can adapt to the methodology of the coach.

2. In this complex attention to arms, thighs, buttocks and press. No problem area is not left unattended.

3. Method Tracy Anderson the for beginners involves working on the stabilization muscles of the body. You can lose weight and improve the quality of the body, making it brittle and sonorous without the effect of pumped muscles.

4. Tracy uses the weights for legs and arms, which increase the heart rate and increase calorie expenditure during training.

5. The program is almost devoid of hops, so it is safe for people with weak knee joints.

6. The complex consists of two complementary workouts that you can alternate between them or even perform together.


1. You will need additional equipment: ankle weights and wrists. However if you want you can do without them.

2. Tracy Anderson involves the use of non-standard exercises and ligaments. If you are an adherent of traditional fitness, try the best program Jillian Michaels for beginners.

Tracy Anderson: Method for Beginners

Method Tracy Anderson the for beginners not only helps you lose weightbut also makes you love the sport. Gently and unobtrusively Tracy will incorporate training even those who are very far from the hotel.

See also: Workout Tracy Anderson – where to start?

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