Medical treatments for dyslexia

Medical treatments for dyslexia

There is no medicine that can cure dyslexia. In case of attention deficit with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) associated with dyslexia, medications may be suggested.

The treatment of dyslexia involves sessions with the speech therapist. A speech therapy makes it possible to offer compensation strategies to the dyslexic person. From sessions with the psychotherapist are sometimes useful. An orthoptist, a psychomotor therapist or an occupational therapist can also intervene. The management of dyslexia is therefore multidisciplinary.

Regarding rehabilitation, there are many techniques that make it easier for a dyslexic child to learn to read. We can for example cite the method Tomatis, based on “listening rehabilitation”, the method Borel-Maisonny which combines gesture and sound or the method The planet of the Alphas where the characters have the shape and make the sound of the letters of the alphabet.

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