Makeup base: video

Makeup base: video

Perfect makeup is impossible to imagine without flawless skin. If her condition leaves much to be desired, do not be discouraged. For this, manufacturers of decorative cosmetics have their own “magic wand” – a makeup base. This beauty product is also called a primer. It will help to visually hide all skin imperfections in a matter of minutes, if you choose the right texture and shade.

What a make-up base can do

The make-up base is a vivid example of a multifunctional beauty product that can not only remove visual defects of the skin, but also protect it from moisture loss and improve color. However, you need to know that a primer is not able to replace skin care cosmetics, it only masks imperfections and helps your makeup look flawless for a long time.

This base is not another variation of the foundation. This is a completely independent tool that is simply indispensable for creating a flawless make-up.

Expression wrinkles, enlarged pores, dull color and oily shine of the face, bruises under the eyes – this is not the whole list of problems that this remedy successfully copes with. She can even hide a scar, which can be quite problematic to mask with just one foundation. This beauty product is not an obligatory stage of the make-up, however, with it, decorative cosmetics will be perfectly shaded and perfectly fit the skin.

Makeup bases are different

There are several types of primers. They differ in shade, consistency and area of ​​application. In terms of structure, these bases can be in the form of a cream, gel, stick, lotion or mousse. The best option is a primer in the form of a cream. It will mask pimples, acne spots, pigmentation and freckles well. The base in the form of a lotion is ideal for those with young skin without any defects. This primer will moisturize the skin and leave it matte.

For oily and porous skin, choose a gel base. For the most problematic skin, a solid primer is suitable. It provides a tighter coverage under which severe inflammation and scarring can be easily hidden.

Their color variety is impressive, with each color having its own function. Pink primer will improve the complexion, purple will eliminate the yellowness of the skin, yellow will veil dark circles under the eyes, green will remove redness and visible blood vessels, and white will give radiance and freshness.

Eyeshadow and lipstick applied over a special foundation will have smoother and more saturated shades

There are foundations not only for the skin of the face, but also for its individual parts: eyelids, lips and eyelashes. However, they all perform, in essence, one task – they prepare the skin for the subsequent application of decorative cosmetics.

How to apply the foundation correctly

Application of the primer does not require any special skills. You just need to know some of the nuances. Before using it, it is worth moisturizing the skin and letting the cream absorb well. After that, you can apply the makeup base. It is better to start the application from the area under the eyes, and then work on the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin. In places requiring careful correction, the primer should be applied with a hammering motion. After five minutes, you can safely proceed directly to the makeup. If you do not want to overload the skin once again or do not like multi-layered make-up, you can limit yourself to only one base, applying it only to defects and dusting it with translucent powder on top.

Read also an interesting article about spectacular eye makeup.

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