Make your waist: how to use flax seeds for weight loss

Flax seeds are a great “super” to help losing weight. It is a source of fiber, fats, and acids that stimulate quick fat burning. Nutritionists say that flax seeds stimulate metabolism and help to maintain the achieved weight without much effort.

This invaluable product boosts immunity, improves the health of nails and hair, slows the aging process. At the same time, when losing weight reduces weight and changes the condition of the skin, it becomes moist and more elastic. Flax seeds contain a variety of amino acids, which contribute to this.

How to take flax seeds for weight loss

For normal weight loss, take each day tablespoon of flaxseed. They are quite rude because for better absorption and adding it to food, they can grind in a mortar or coffee grinder.

Flax seeds have a specific taste, so eat them will not work. Add them to salads, yogurt, hot cereal, yogurt, smoothies. If you consistently eat flax seeds, the result is minus 4 kg in a month. You are guaranteed. Of course, don’t forget to eat right and exercise.

  • The infusion of the seeds

The seeds can prepare an infusion for weight loss. To do this, 2 tablespoons of seeds, pour two cups of boiling water and leave to stand for 10 hours in a thermos. Drink this infusion is recommended in one day.

The course of flax seeds for weight loss is 10 days, followed by a break for 10 days, and then continue alternating courses of 10 to 10.

Taking flaxseed, start-up drinks the amount of water per day. To avoid constipation.

Useful properties of flax seeds

  • Help excrete toxins, parasites, and their waste products.
  • Promote the conclusion of the body of heavy metals.
  • Contain fatty acids omega 3, 6, and 9 what is important for the blood vessels, heart, beautiful skin, growth and formation of bones, and mental work.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood reduce diabetes mellitus and the occurrence of a heart attack.
  • Contain selenium which reduces the risk of oncological diseases.
  • Rich in potassium, which prevents swelling, kidney disease, disruption of heart rhythm.
  • Contain lecithin and vitamin b, which support the nervous system and are not allowed to develop depression.

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