The term may not be familiar to you, but you or your loved ones have definitely come across the phenomenon itself. And for many, lumbago is almost an everyday reality. What is it and how to deal with it?

Remember all those ads about pain pills and warming ointments? In each of them there is a character crouching from pain in the lower back. Yes, unfortunately, it “shoots” in the back of almost every second person – especially if the age is 40+, especially if it’s hard work. This “lumbago” in many cases is the very unfortunate lumbago.

Symptoms of lumbago

It is noteworthy that lumbago itself is most often not a separate disease.

Lumbago (or lumbalgia) is considered to be acute pain in the lumbar spine. But this is more likely not a diagnosis, but a syndrome. Since the causes of pain can be different, and there are a lot of them. For example, spondyloarthritis, myofascial syndrome, microrupture of the fibrous ring, spinal disc herniation, trauma, benign and malignant tumors, infectious lesions of the spine.

Despite the fact that almost any problem with the spine can cause lumbago, the symptoms are usually the same – sharp shooting pain in the lower back, possibly radiating (radiating – approx. Aut.) in the buttocks, legs. The pain increases with movement (tilts, turns, lifting). This in itself is an unpleasant phenomenon, it signals to a person: there is a problem, go to the doctor!


It happens that it “shoots”, the person catches his breath and goes back to work – and the pain does not return. But there may be other developments.

If within a few days after the lumbago the patient feels increased pain, lack of sleep, there are disorders of urination or defecation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

But, as a rule, after such an unpleasant story, people begin to take care of themselves: move less, rest more, and the pain recedes. However, even after a month, symptoms may remain.

After passing a certain distance, pain intensifies, a burning sensation appears in the lower extremities, the patient needs to sit down or lean on something, rest, after which he can again walk the same distance. This is called “neurogenic lameness”, and in this case, too, you do not need to delay visiting a doctor.

Whatever it is, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis of this disease, according to Alexei Shevyrev, usually comes down to a clinical examination of the patient, on the basis of which laboratory tests or electroneuromyography, CT, MRI, and radiography are prescribed.


Since lumbago can be caused by different causes, the treatment, respectively, will be different in each individual case. And there are quite a few ways to return the patient to his former prowess.

Depending on the cause of the manifestation of lumbago, the doctor selects the treatment. It can be drug therapy, physiotherapy. In some cases, when drug therapy and physiotherapy do not bring the desired result, one has to turn to a neurosurgeon.

What is used in drug therapy:

  1. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) – anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effect.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids – analogues of natural hormones of the adrenal cortex (anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-shock effect).
  3. Anticonvulsants – used for muscle cramps.
  4. Vascular – expand the lumen of blood vessels.
  5. Vitamins and other drugs.

Physiotherapy includes: electrophoresis, UVT therapy, carboxytherapy, ultrasound, laser, PRP therapy. This also includes acupuncture, manual therapy, massage, exercise therapy.

Prevention of lumbago at home

All of the above complex – and even frightening – terms can not be remembered if you follow the rules of prevention to prevent lumbago. And these are old as the world, and terribly simple rules: physical education, rest, healthy sleep, proper nutrition. In general, what is commonly called healthy lifestyle.

In any case, if the manifestation of lumbago disturbs the patient periodically for a long time, you should not avoid visiting a doctor, since this disease can be confused with the pathology of internal organs, or manifestations of damage to other parts of the musculoskeletal system.

Popular questions and answers

Who is at risk for developing lumbago?

Lumbago is a sudden sharp pain (like a lumbago) in the lumbosacral spine. Lumbago can happen to every man and woman of any age. But it is more common in males aged 30-50 years.

Lumbago can occur during bending, sudden jerky or unprepared movement, heavy lifting, coughing. The cause may be various pathologies, for example, overstrain and spasm of the muscles of the lower back – a more benign course of the disease, and it is more severe with herniated intervertebral discs, displacement of the vertebrae, developmental anomalies, volumetric formations, rheumatological diseases.

What happens if lumbago is not treated?

Treatment should begin with a diagnosis. This requires a doctor’s examination, X-ray examination, MRI, a general blood test, urine. Given that lumbago is a pain syndrome that occurs against the background of pathological processes in the area of ​​the lumbosacral spine, a clear understanding of the source of pain is necessary.

Complications in the absence of treatment of diseases leading to lumbago (chronic pain, paresis (weakness) of the lower extremities, loss of sensitivity and confidence in resting on the legs, pelvic dysfunction, sexual dysfunction) can lead to disability and disability.

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