Lice preparations – how to choose? Treatment and prevention of head lice

It would seem that today the problem of head lice is a problem of extreme poverty and lack of hygiene. Meanwhile, children infect each other with them in kindergartens and this is how lice most often end up in households, where they spread. You can get rid of lice with the use of appropriate preparations in the form of shampoos and lotions. As already mentioned, lice can be infected easily by using the same hair accessories or simply by playing. Children between 3 and 15 years of age are most likely to suffer from it. When you try to distinguish between nits (lice eggs) and dandruff, you can clear up a simple test: if you have difficulty detaching the white points from your hair, you are dealing with nits. Dandruff separates from the hair very easily.

Treatment of head lice

Treating head lice is no longer as problematic as it could have been in the past. Preparations for controlling lice are available for purchase at any pharmacy. Due to the strength of the substance, a preparation should be selected that is appropriate to the age of the infected.

The pharmaceutical market offers the following solutions:

  1. lice shampoo – chemical (containing permetin and methyl benzoate), silicone (containing dimethicone) or herbal (based on herbs and essential oils);
  2. lice hair balm – combining essential oils and allantoin;
  3. lice scrunchies – soaked in essential oils. They must not be soaked;
  4. lice lotion – dimethicone solution or herbal gargle.

Age in treatment plays a role, not all of them preparations for lice are safe for children. Means used in the stronger preparations can irritate your baby’s scalp. Too herbal preparations is used in children over 6 years of age. For toddlers under this age, they are best dimethicone shampoos. Fortunately, we won’t need a prescription from a doctor to say goodbye to head lice. Effective measures are available immediately.

Lice preparations – how to apply

The best preparation for lice and nits there is a shampoo because it is easy to use and does not overburden your wallet. By washing your hair with it, create a foam, leave it on the head for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse it. Then the hair needs to be combed with a fine comb. This treatment should be repeated after a week, and any previously used hair accessories should be scalded. Shampoos the best for kids are these siliconecontaining dimethicone and cyclomethicone-5. They work by cutting them off with lice and nits oxygen access which effectively destroys them. Chemical shampoos on permethrin are safe for children over 3 years of age, while those with benzyl benzoate they will be better for adults and older children.

The use of lotions against head lice is as follows: you moisten the hair and scalp with it and wrap it tightly with a scarf for 2-3 hours. Then we start combing out the parasites. Let’s not use the liquid on the injured scalp. The price of the fluid is an expense of a dozen or so zlotys.

Prevention of head lice

Lice It’s hard to prevent, but if we know about the infection in the kindergarten of our child, we should explain to the toddler not to borrow hair or head accessories from his friends, and prophylactic use of a spray or lotion. There are too lice repellent preparationsalthough they are said to be of negligible effectiveness.

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