Lavender water: ideal for purifying your skin

Lavender water: ideal for purifying your skin

Lavender water is full of interesting virtues to take care of our skin, our hair, and our muscles. Anti-bacterial, analgesic, hydrating and relaxing, discover how to make homemade lavender water and how to use it to enjoy all its benefits.

Lavender water: properties

Lavender water, also called lavender hydrolate, allows us to benefit from the benefits of lavender in our beauty routine. Lavender water not only smells good and is natural, but in addition, it has many benefits for the skin, for the hair, and for the body in general.

For example, lavender water has relaxing properties. It reduces stress and makes it easier to fall asleep. Before going to sleep, you can spray a few drops on your pillow, for a smooth fall asleep.

Its relaxing power is also physical: thanks to its analgesic action, lavender helps relax muscles, to better fight against muscle aches and contractures. So you can add a few drops to your body moisturizer, after sports or in times of stress.

Lavender water to beautify combination skin with oily tendencies

In addition to acting as a muscle relaxant and calming stress, lavender water is ideal for treating combination skin with oily tendencies. Thanks to its antibacterial action, it purifies the skin and cleanses it, without attacking it. Used daily, lavender water will regulate sebum production and mattify the skin. If you have acne-prone skin, it will unclog pores and prevent blemishes from appearing.

Lavender water is particularly suitable for sensitive and reactive combination skin because unlike many combination skin cleansers, it gently cleanses and treats the skin. It is even suitable for people prone to psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. Thus, you can use it as a daily makeup remover or tonic lotion.

Treat your scalp with lavender water

Lavender water is not only good for the skin, it can also treat irritated scalps, especially if you suffer from dandruff and itching.

Just like for the skin, it will purify the scalp, cleanse it and soothe it to find a healthy scalp. You can use it by adding lavender water in your shampoo, or in your care, or even in rinse water. In addition, lavender water is very effective in repelling lice or to overcome them when they are already installed!

Recipe for homemade lavender water

To make lavender water at home, nothing could be simpler: you will need the equivalent of two tablespoons of organic lavender, and hot water. You can find lavender in your garden, or lack of it on hand, in herbalist or garden center. Either way, choose natural lavender, not exposed to insecticides or other harmful products.

To make lavender water, you will need to immerse your lavender in 250 ml of hot water. If possible, carry out the operation in a jar that you can close, in order to preserve the effects of the lavender as much as possible. Otherwise, a saucepan with a lid can do the trick. Let this mixture sit overnight, so that the lavender has time to release its essence.

The next morning, all you have to do is filter, and you will know how to make homemade lavender water! Be careful, to preserve the virtues of lavender, conservation is important. Prefer a glass container, rather than a plastic container which may affect the purity of your lavender water. Of course, you can adapt the container to your use: in a spray for easy application on the hair, in a bottle to use as a makeup remover or as a tonic.

Your lavender water should be placed in the refrigerator to last longer. This will only make the app more enjoyable in summer! Insofar as it is a natural water and that no preservative enters the composition, you will be able to keep your lavender water only ten days after its preparation. So there is no need to prepare huge quantities: the fresher the better!

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