Lack of energy and 3 more symptoms of excess carbohydrates in the body

Carbohydrates – the main energy source and their share in the diet of a healthy person should be up to 50-65 percent. However, we forget that carbohydrates in this case should be slow so as not to cause the body’s sugar spikes and lead to various pathological conditions. But what are the conditions when you should understand that there are too many carbohydrates in your diet?

Little energy

Lack of energy and 3 more symptoms of excess carbohydrates in the body

By the afternoon after a good sleep and Breakfast, you suddenly overcome laziness, fatigue, sleepy, productivity falls. If the first half of the day was eaten a lot of fast carbs, then surely by lunchtime, the level of sugar in the blood is dramatically reduced – hence the lack of energy and a desire to “refuel”. Such sugar is fraught with strikes to the body diseases and General exhaustion.

The change of mood

Lack of energy and 3 more symptoms of excess carbohydrates in the body

The wrong carbs cause constant irritation and mood swings. Eternal discontent, attacks of aggression can seriously damage the social life of a person. In this case, it is necessary to abandon simple carbohydrates and increase the consumption of fiber, which will satiate the body for a long period of time.

Constant hunger

Lack of energy and 3 more symptoms of excess carbohydrates in the body

Because of the increased sugar level appetite satisfied quickly and just as quickly returned. If after a meal an hour later you want to eat again, it’s a definite sign that you should add to your diet more protein and don’t forget about fatty foods.

The weight is in place

Lack of energy and 3 more symptoms of excess carbohydrates in the body

If in your life there are lots of sports activities, the nutritions seems proper, and nothing works with excess weight, then one of the reasons – a large number of bad carbohydrates in the diet. They can hide in foods you choose, and a study of the composition on the label may help to adjust the menu.

More about effect of carbs on blood sugars watch in the video below:

Effect of Carbohydrates on Blood Sugars

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