Carrot diet (minus 3 pounds in 3 days)

Orange carrot diet helps to lose in a few days on average 3 pounds and is a good option for fasting for those who need to get rid of a small amount of weight. Plus the diet is a great cleansing method for the body of toxins, as well as a significant accelerator of metabolism.

The main food ingredient for 3-4 days is carrots. The diet can also include oranges and apples. You should drink water and green tea.

100 grams of carrots contains 1.3 g protein, 6.9 g carbohydrates, 0.1 g fat, and only 32 calories – that’s less than in apples. Also, this root vegetable is high in fiber, which cleanses the body.

On the diet of carrots, you:

  • strengthen the immune system,
  • make the skin healthier, thanks to the carotene contained in carrots which, in combination with fats, it forms retinol, which makes your appearance more attractive
  • strengthen gums,
  • replenish the b vitamins, PP, C, E, K in the body, as well as many minerals and essential oils
  • improve the mood.

Carrot diet (minus 3 pounds in 3 days)

Menu of the carrot diet

Breakfast: three grated carrots, lemon juice, and a spoon of low-fat sour cream.

Lunch: three or four grated carrots with lemon juice and honey. You can eat Apple, orange or kiwi.

Dinner: a glass of fresh carrot juice.

Due to the fact that the carrot is hard to digest and has a rough structure, it should be very thoroughly chewed. For people with a sensitive stomach or bowel disease carrot diet is contraindicated.

To save the score after the carrot diet, follow nutritional guidelines. Build to the diet, properly distributing the number of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Give preference to fresh foods and choose fats from vegetables. Eat small meals and drink plenty of water.

More bout carrot diet watch in the video below:

I Tried Steve Jobs’s Carrots-Only Diet For 1 Week—Here’s What Happened | Fast Company

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