Kiwi: medicinal properties, calorie content and contraindications

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What kind of kiwi fruit

Kiwi is the name of the fruits (berries) of the plant of the genus Actinidia. Other names are “Chinese gooseberry” and “Actinidia Chinese”. Kiwi was discovered in China in the middle of the XNUMXth century. Seven centuries later, it was brought to New Zealand, where it began to be grown on a large scale.

It is interesting that there it got its current common name. New Zealand growers have associated it with the kiwi bird. Where did this comparison come from? The fluff on the skin of the fruit reminded them of the fluff of a bird named kiwi.

Kiwi: medicinal properties, calorie content and contraindications

Chinese gooseberries are valued not only for their taste and original color, but above all for their richness in vitamins and microelements. Some people call them the vitamin bomb. Fruits are high in vitamins C, E and B. They are rich in potassium, zinc and small amounts of sodium, pectin and sugars.

Calorie kiwi without peel

The calorie content of peeled fruits is 47 kcal per 100 grams. For comparison:

  • canned – 145 kcal;
  • dried – 340 kcal;
  • candied fruits – 320 kcal;
  • juice – 41 kcal.

Kiwi fruit: useful properties and contraindications

Due to its high content of vitamins, this fruit supports the treatment of many diseases:

  • prevents colds;
  • has the ability to burn fat;
  • makes flu treatment easier;
  • improves well-being;
  • helps to reduce body weight. There are few calories, but a lot of benefits!
  • calms the nerves;
  • strengthens the immune system, thanks to ascorbic acid;
  • protects against heart disease and atherosclerotic changes;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • cleanses the body of toxins.

It is recommended to eat two pieces a day. This is the optimal rate. The peel can be cut, but it contains more antioxidants than the pulp.

Aspirin substitute

Norwegian scientists have shown that kiwi can successfully replace aspirin in maintaining a healthy circulatory system. A huge plus is the absence of side effects. They showed that eating up to 3 berries a day can reduce the risk of blood clots. As a consequence, it will prevent venous thrombosis and stroke.

It’s also worth mentioning that regular consumption of Chinese gooseberries can reduce blood triglyceride levels by 17%.

Kiwi in cosmetology

Although the aging process cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down. Natural antioxidants will help, that is, the aforementioned vitamin E, as well as A and C. The zinc contained in the fruits will prevent the formation of imperfections on the skin (acne, acne) and stretch marks.

The fruits of Actinidia are used in cosmetic preparations. The seeds contained in them are used in the production of body scrubs due to their abrasive properties. And the acids contained in the pulp with lightening properties are added to creams and face masks.

Kiwi: contraindications to use

Chinese Actinidia contains enzymes from the peptidase group – actinidin and papain. They help digest protein, but they can also cause allergic reactions.

People who are allergic to papaya or pineapple should be especially careful with them. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Contraindicated in case of increased gastric acidity.

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