Jogging in the morning: use and efficiency, the basic rules and features

Running since ancient times (probably since the antiquity, and possibly earlier) known to mankind as a revitalizing tonic and restorative agent. To this day this type of exercise remains, without exaggeration, the most popular and accessible form of exercise in the world. Running in their workouts use as athletes and proponents of healthy lifestyle, receiving from him in addition to the physical training also various beneficial effects for health.

There are many varieties of running and a number of sports disciplines, which somehow includes running exercise. In this article we will talk about running in the morning, about the pros and cons of this particular time of day for your running training on the characteristics and psychological tips for Jogging.

Must see:

  • How to choose running shoes: tips and best models
  • Top 20 best womens running shoes for comfortable running

General information about running in the morning

Morning Jogging fit a huge number of people seeking a healthy lifestyle and maintain good physical shape. Often choose running for development of endurance of the cardiovascular system and to fight fat. Jogging in the morning you do not have a tight binding to the sex and age of the exercising – running can absolutely everyone.

We can distinguish several categories of people who recommended a morning jog:

  • People with overweight problems. Only Jogging may not solve the problem completely, but they will help to make the first steps on this path.
  • Those who are forced (perhaps due to the specifics of) have a sedentary lifestyle to combat physical inactivity and the maintenance of life and mood tone.
  • The Amateur athletes (“sporty”), practicing a variety of fitness disciplines and purposefully leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Advanced and professional athletes, the specificity of the training which implies running load.
  • People who due to their profession (military, police, rescue, etc.) should maintain good physical shape.

The benefit of running in the morning:

  1. Running in the morning has a tonic effect on muscles and mentality in the early afternoon. Jogging removes the remnants of sleepiness, after it easier to get to work.
  2. Running in the morning gives less stress on the spine compared to the evening run. The distance between the vertebrae a few more after a night’s sleep, by the evening the intervertebral discs “SAG” and increase the risk to discomfort in the spine.
  3. In the morning running on an empty stomach, the body is more “willing” starts to expend fat reserves.
  4. The morning activation of metabolic processes speeds up the metabolism, this effect will persist throughout the day.
  5. In an urban setting in the morning the air less polluted by dust and automobile exhaust.
  6. After a morning jog there is a desire to have Breakfast – important for people with reduced morning appetite.
  7. There is a “buildup” of natural human biorhythms: morning cross-country training session turns into a pleasant tiredness in the evening facilitates falling asleep.

Harm running in the morning:

  1. Discomfort Jogging will bring “owls”, i.e. those who find it hard to get up in the morning and whose body is slowly “switched on” to work in the morning.
  2. Morning run on an empty stomach aggravates the consequences of the night catabolism muscle: it reduces progress in the recruitment of muscle mass.
  3. Morning Jogging can create organizational confusion to those who have early starts the working day. The rush, the reduction of its sleep time will not add comfort in life and can impair work and as a result, financial results.
  4. It is believed that for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system Jogging undesirable, is better to shift the running load for the evening; it is hard to tell.

Running on an empty stomach or after Breakfast?

Overall, all recommendations on this subject does not exist, it all depends on the goals and physical condition training.

If the goal of the runner is burning fat, then jog on an empty stomach is preferable: the body quickly runs out of glycogen stores and take over fat. Have with this approach serious drawback: all this is not very useful for the development of the muscles – after a night of catabolism of the muscles is not just give support, so more will load and run. It is clear that the growth of muscle mass in this mode of the question (another issue is that not everyone need it).

Those who are concerned about maintaining their muscles, it is best to take before the run light carbohydrate-protein Breakfast, and “fast” carbohydrates can especially not be afraid, after a run, they quickly go “into the furnace”. A small portion of food before a run will help, if not increase, at least maintain muscle volume.

Easy to eat Breakfast before a morning jog is recommended and the skinny people: problems with excess weight them in the foreseeable future is not threatened, but the energy derived from such a meal, can be very useful.

Morning or evening Jogging?

Well known fact: people are divided into “larks” and “owls”. Zhavoronki is very easy to get up in the morning (rise at 6 o’clock not a problem for them), energetic and healthy in the morning, after lunch, the activity is on the decline and 10 PM Zhavoronki usually go to bed. In “owls” is different: the early morning rise is given with great difficulty, the first half of the day goes to “swinging”, and only in the second half of the day, they feel the energy, the desire to work and create.

The athlete need to objectively assess the presence or absence of the ability to early rises and morning training: if awakening at seven in the morning is given with great difficulty and the thought of Jogging causes a chill of fear through my spine – it’s better not to torture yourself and run in the evening. The thought of an early rise may cause the violation night’s sleep, the anxiety in waiting for the alarm just will not give a normal night’s rest. Morning run (same as evening) is not for everyone, it all depends on the “program” inherent in man. “To be retrained” from “owl” to “lark” is almost impossible.

Well, if you rise early in the morning is given, if not easy, but at least more or less tolerable – Jogging is a very suitable and, with the right training regime, will benefit.

Contraindications for Jogging:

  • People with serious cardiovascular disease.
  • Diseases of internal organs, acute and chronic (liver, kidneys, etc.), which not only runs, but in General the sports are contraindicated.
  • Injury of musculoskeletal system (especially the spine, knee joints, feet, etc.) until full recovery.
  • Pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters).
  • Ill infectious diseases, especially accompanied by high temperature.
  • Recovery periods after surgeries, injuries, etc.

How to force yourself to run?

A few simple recommendations that will help to start the morning Jogging and does not throw them then:

  1. Adjust the time to fall asleep in the evening: go to bed early and get up in the morning and jog will be easier.
  2. The first few workouts it is better to plan for long-term (several days) weekend.
  3. Before the run wash, take a shower, take all the usual hygiene procedures – this will help to banish the remnants of sleep.
  4. Before going outside take a little warming up workout for joints (especially important in the cold season).
  5. You can drink a couple of glasses of water or tea – the water will reduce the viscosity of blood and help correct thermoregulation during running.
  6. Motivation: need to keep in mind that goal, which should help to achieve sports.

Rules running in the morning

Let’s look at simple tips to build the initial phase of training and “retraction” in the training process:

  1. It is necessary to examine the simplest method of self-monitoring – self-measurement of heart rate (heart rate). Simple rules for optimal heart rate when Jogging are calculated: HR=180-age in years. To measure heart rate and daily activity it is very convenient to use a fitness bracelet.
  2. You need to pre-determine the route of the run, bearing in mind that primer is preferable for the musculoskeletal system than a solid surface.
  3. Start Jogging gradually increasing the tempo, not rushing “off the bat”, also at the end of the run, the pace should be reduced gradually, going for a walk at the end of the route.
  4. You can divide the class into intervals: 10 minute run 10 minutes energetic walk again, 10 minutes of running is already a kind of interval training, about which more detail will be discussed below.
  5. It is essential to learn to breathe through the nose while running: the mouth breathing is harmful and leads to oxygen starvation.
  6. While Jogging you need to monitor the health: exercise should not turn into torture if there is a strong discomfort, the rate should be reduced.

Time and training schedule

Novice runners with low fitness level can start with 2-3 workouts a week: two classes at the initial stage, then as you adapt, add another one. Fat burning significant metabolic changes in the body can be achieved in three workouts a week.

Stride length at the beginning may be 30 minutes. There are so-called “rule 25 minute”: theoretically, during this period of time, the body fully drains the glycogen stores and starts burning fat.

As you progress in training, you can increase the number of runs to four per week and their duration to 45-60 minutes.

Running technique

There is a way of breathing that allows you to cover long distances: two steps inhale, two – exhale. Even if not directly reach this rhythm of breathing should be hard to accustom themselves to this rhythm.

Running technique is about the same, regardless of what rate the trainee moves: the back should be straight, body slightly tilted forward. Avoid swaying the torso from side to side (although some runners, as seen from the video recording of the competition, anything terrible in it do not see). Gaze should be directed straight (with a slope downward no more than 30 degrees), not feet. Over time, the runners formed in the peripheral vision, allowing them to embrace the “side” view of various obstacles.

Runner needs to help himself with his hands, bent at an angle of 90-120 degrees, keep them close to the body. Movement of the hands and feet should be the opposite: left hand – right leg and Vice versa. Hands it is best to collect in the “weak kulak”. Should not be excessive tension in the shoulders and neck.

The correct formulation of the foot during running is called “Jogging wheel”: the foot is put first the heel, then slowly rolls a sock. Then, the kick, the heel goes up. There are Jogging with a sock (this is for sprinters) and running production on the outer side of the foot; however, the beginner is better to learn cross-country skills with “wheel”. The faster the athlete runs, the higher the knees.

How to run to lose weight?

The success of cross-country training for weight loss consists of the following components:

  1. Methodologically proper training: if health condition allows, it is advisable to resort to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which will be more discussed below. Research has proven that HIIT is much more efficient than conventional Jogging.
  2. Proper training must match the power: to accelerate fat loss on the diet without the “fast” carbohydrates and increased protein intake.
  3. Proper recovery between workouts: rest 24-48 hours, adherence of the day.
  4. Motivation for an extended period: regular exercise and proper nutrition without “disruption”.
  5. There are no special types of races, “slimming the hips or abdomen”. Local fat loss is a myth, consumption of fat is around the body at the same time.

How many calories to spend

In normal Jogging (in terms of loads is the easiest type of physical exercise) you can consume 200-250 calories per half hour. Those who practice such a complex kind of as running on rough terrain, able to spend for the same half an hour 300-350 kcal.

If you train on advanced techniques like HIIT, you can burn for half an hour about 7% more calories than conventional Jogging. It would seem, not so much, but the fat burning will continue in the period mithranarkanere rest, and this is a different level of efficiency.

Interval running in the morning

Interval workouts are a great tool to increase the fat burning effectiveness of the morning run while saving training time. This type of training is not suitable for beginners from scratch, you have to have some sports experience. At the moment designed quite a lot of options of interval training based on running: the TABATA Protocol, HIIT (high intensity interval training) and others.

The essence of HIIT is alternating high-intensity (anaerobic) phase, usually lasting 10-15 seconds, and low intensity (aerobic) phase, lasting 3-5 times longer. The training may consist of 5-15 cycles. This method of training powerfully accelerates metabolism, and fat burning occurs not only during exercise, as in normal running, but in the period mithranarkanere recovery.

With regard to the morning run it is possible to allocate three variants of interval training, two of them similar to the “classic” HIIT:

  1. Re-running the whole distance is divided into sections of 1 to 5 km, the athlete overcome such a plot in an intense pace, giving himself an interval for rest. Waiting until heart rate drops to 120 beats per minute (this is a kind of analogue of low-intensity phase in HIIT), he runs the following site.
  2. Interval sprint: running a sprint style of 150-200 m, the athlete runs the next segment (usually slightly more) weight. Then again, sprint, and jog again, etc.
  3. Tempo running (a rather complex kind): the whole distance is divided into several sections and each athlete runs at a higher speed than the previous one. This is not exactly on HIIT, there are several other patterns.

What to eat before morning jog

Before the morning running exercise possible a light Breakfast: for example, a banana with nuts, a small portion of yogurt with honey, tea or coffee with a handful of dried fruit, fruit juice. You can drink whey protein, it is ideal for the morning meal. Heavy food with a high content of protein and fat should be completely excluded from such a meal.

Drink small amounts (one to two drinks) can and should be while Jogging: it may be just water or home-made isotonic with salt, sugar (honey), and, optionally, lemon juice.

What to eat after Jogging

Directly after training you can drink a glass of fruit juice or the already mentioned isotonica. After about 30 minutes to eat: this “second Breakfast” should be mostly protein. It is desirable to use those proteins that are easily digested: fish, cheese, eggs, milk, etc.; vegetable protein, you can use the nuts. After running again, suitable receiving portions of whey protein.

Starchy part of the meal might consist of bread (toasted rye toast is fine) and a serving of cereal (oat, rice, etc.), Along with the Breakfast you can take a multivitamin, vitamins soak in after a morning jog.

Coin collecting: tips for beginners

  1. Get their information from the Internet on sites and forums runners a lot of interesting routes Jogging, video “tutorials”, methodical recommendations and much more.
  2. Get electronic gadgets for counting distance, steps, heart rate measurement: it will improve your self-control and increase motivation.
  3. Change the routes of runs and training schemes: it refreshes the mind and helps not to lose interest in training.
  4. If the weather conditions are not conducive to running (such as heavy sleet, heavy rain, etc.) – enlist the help of cardio machines (elliptical trainer or exercise bike) to not miss a regular workout. As soon as the weather breaks – return to the route.
  5. Jogging in the morning – great class, but are not limited to only them. Starting with a running, over time, diversify their sports training and discover a new fitness discipline.

Warm-up and stretching before Jogging

Warm-up before Jogging is one of the foundations of quality training. Warm-up will prepare your muscles and joints to load and warm up the body, which will not only help avoid injuries but will make the training much more effective. Regular walking is not a warm-up before running, be sure to perform a special preparatory warm-up exercises.

Stretching after running is equally important event. Without stretching, the muscles lose amplitude, so that over time the effectiveness of training will be reduced. In addition, the warm-up after Jogging to avoid pain in the muscles. Also a hitch after running helps to calm the pulse and breath.

Stretching exercises before Jogging

Before the morning running exercise mandatory warm-up warm-up which will prepare the joints, muscles and ligaments for the work ahead. This is especially true for more complex forms of cross-country training like running on “peresechenke” or interval training. In the cold season and not interfere with a warming ointment (especially for those with sensitive joints). The warm up should last at least 5 minutes.

As warm-up exercises you can use squats, lunges forward and to the side, rotational movements of hands and head, a circular rotation of the pelvis and other similar movements. To start the trip with a vigorous walk, gradually going to run. We offer you examples of exercises for stretching before the running in the visual picture. Do the exercises in both directions (clockwise and counter-clockwise), repeat on the right and left leg or arm.

1. Rotation to warm up arms and shoulders: 10 reps in each direction

2. The slopes to warm up legs and arms: 10 reps on each side

3. Squat and bend back: 15 reps

4. Rotation to warm up knees: 10 repetitions in each direction

5. Rotation for the hip joint: for 10 repetitions in each direction

6. Rotation for leg warming up: 10 reps in each direction

7. Lunges to warm up legs: 10 reps in each direction

8. Side lunges to warm up legs: 10 reps in each direction

9. Stretching hamstrings: 10 repetitions in each direction

10. Warm-up exercise ankle jointsby 10 rotations in each direction

Exercises for stretching after running

The meaning of hitch is to bring the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems in a “quiet” potrenirovatsja condition. On the last leg of the route need to switch to Jogging and then to walking. The duration of the delay may be about 10 minutes. If the entire run was at a slow jog, the practical meaning of the hitch there.

Like hitch, stretching will help reduce soreness in muscles after a workout. You can choose several stretching exercises and perform them after your run. We give examples of such exercises. Stay in each pose for 15-20 seconds on each side.

1. The slopes of the body

2. Stretching of the quadriceps

3. Vertical crease

4. The slope to the foot with your hands

5. Tilt to the foot

6. Deep side lunge

7. Stretching of the wall

8. Rotations in a deep squat

What else is important to know about the morning runs

1. How much to run in the mornings?

A single recommendation here. Just plan your morning run to catch and run, and have Breakfast, and take a shower without being late for this to work. It is clear that have to get up early hours to 1.5-2, so the correct mode of the day, making a waste to sleep the night earlier.

One hundred percent “owls” and people who have very early starts the working day (in the factory shop many people come to 7 am) it is better not to torment itself and to postpone the training for the evening. Lack of sleep is bad for work and running from pleasure turn into torture.

2. What clothes and shoes to choose for running?

Shoes should be comfortable, breathable and have the ability to repel moisture (for autumn and winter training). There are special running shoes. When choosing, take into account the kind of running that prefers training: for Jogging on rough terrain suitable model with good grip soles with the ground, and for the Sprinter – shoes with thin flexible soles.

Similar requirements apply to underwear and clothing: it is desirable that they were made from natural materials that do not let the skin breath and abstraction of excess heat, not constrain movements and not rubbed the skin on the inner thighs.

3. To eat before the run or not?

This issue has already been discussed above in the text, single answer. If you want to lose weight, then exercise on an empty stomach. If you exercise on an empty stomach you uncomfortable or you care about maintaining muscle mass, then do a light carbohydrate Breakfast or snack.

The power depends on the goals of the trainee and his personal preferences. In any case, you need to remember: to lose weight does not mean starving yourself, it’s wrong. Well-written diet and exercise is key to fat burning.

4. What to bring for a morning jog?

You can buy a special belt for Jogging, in which to carry a small bottle of water, a smartphone and a means for the treatment of wounds in case of falls and injuries. It is also highly desirable to get a special wristband for monitoring heart rate, time and distance or any other gadget for runners.

5. Where is the best to run?

It is better to choose for Jogging the green zone, preferring dirt tracks to hard paving. Run in such natural surroundings will not only give the training effect, but also bring positive emotions. Of course, you should not choose quite so deaf and deserted places, especially girls, care about their own safety still has not been canceled.

6. Do I have to do warm up and stretching?

Exercise – sure, stretching – it is highly desirable, especially in the autumn-winter period and interval training.

7. Can I drink while running, and how much?

Yes. Drink during long distance running will be a good help: need to drink small amounts (SIPS) of water or isotonic when needed.

8. What to do if stabbed in the side while running?

In the literature give different explanations of the causes of pain in right or left hypochondrium. The most common cause of pain in right side – spasms in the diaphragm, and, as a consequence, overflow with the blood of the hepatic capsule.

To cope with this problem you need to go for a walk (do not stop abruptly, it will only exacerbate the pain), relax the muscles of the body. Go to a calm steady breathing. Several times to draw the muscles of the abdominal areas – this can help to disperse blood stasis.

9. Is it possible to walk, if tired?

Yes, you can, there is nothing “criminal” in this is not; moreover, some types of interval running workouts involve a combination of running with a vigorous walk. You need to focus on your health.

10. How to cope with sore muscles after running?

The best way to reduce post-workout pain – correct hitch and stretching. Over time, increasing the fitness of pain in the muscles will become less pronounced. Also help massage and a warm bath. In General, the effect of delayed muscle pain after exercise (delayed onset muscle soreness) is normal.

See also:

  • Crossfit: what is it, benefits and harms, circuit training and how to prepare
  • Functional training: what it is, pros and cons, features, and exercises
  • How to remove belly fat: basic rules, tips, features and exercises

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