It’s all about the size: the minimum size of pike allowed to be caught

The fisherman who does not dream of getting a trophy copy of the maximum size is bad. Most often, small or medium-sized individuals are caught on the hook, but is it only possible to take them? What kind of fish can you take? What is the minimum size of a pike? Let’s try to find the right answers to all these questions.

What size fish are allowed

Spinning with various baits attracts the attention of not only large individuals of pike, because the predatory instinct has been laid in her from birth. Even small feelers often chase the lure twice as much and swallow the hook. What to do with such a catch? Can it be taken or is it still worth letting the fry grow up? What is the minimum size of fish allowed to be caught?

According to the laws of the Russian Federation of 2019, when cutting, you can take:

  • pike with severe damage from 25 cm;
  • a predator with minimal damage from 35 cm.

The smaller size of the catch is released back into the reservoir without fail. If, during the inspection of fish supervision, a smaller fish is found in the cage, the angler is threatened with:

number of violationspunishment
first timefine up to 5000 rubles. and seizure of all gear and watercraft
second and subsequenta fine of up to 300 thousand rubles with confiscation of gear

If the violator continues to systematically violate the order established by law, then the fish supervision has the right to contact the police and demand criminal liability for the attacker.

How to measure your catch

The allowed size for the catch has been established, but you still need to be able to correctly measure the fish. For this, certain rules were also developed and approved, according to which measurements are now carried out. An important indicator will be the length, it is with the help of a ruler or tape measure that measurements are taken:

  • the caught pike is laid flat on a flat surface;
  • straighten the tail fin, close the mouth of the fish;
  • a measuring device is applied on the back;
  • from the snout to the middle rays of the caudal fin and will be the indicator by which the size of the catch is determined.

Its all about the size: the minimum size of pike allowed to be caught

If this figure is 35 cm or more, then there can be no claims against the angler. If the length indicator is less, then the damage done to the fish is checked. With heavily torn lips or a deeply gripped tee, the catch size can be 10 cm shorter.

In addition to size, the number of fish caught is also important. Now one person per day should have no more than 5 kg of pike, or one trophy specimen.

Features of the catch at different times of the year

Size and quantity may vary depending on the time of year. Therefore, it is worth knowing clearly when the spawning period begins and what conditions apply to the amount of fish allowed to be caught during this period.

According to the seasons, the catch varies as follows:

  • in winter, in order to preserve the population of fish resources, it is forbidden to fish at all in some wintering pits of large reservoirs, while in the rest, regulation takes place individually by region;
  • the spring period is the richest in prohibitions, during this period it is necessary to allow the fish to spawn normally, therefore catching large specimens of pike is prohibited;
  • in summer, after the end of the spawning ban, you can catch up to 7 kg of toothy predator per day per person;
  • autumn fishing is the most favorable, there are almost no prohibitions here, the restriction will be only in quantity, no more than 5-10 kg.

It should be understood that prohibitions and restrictions may also apply to individual reservoirs in different regions. That is why before going fishing, you need to find out about the restrictions in more detail.

Latest additions to the law

This year, several amendments were made to the basic law that regulates fishing. The main changes are:

  • over the next two years, the commercial catch of freshwater fish will be completely eliminated;
  • recreational fishing restrictions will apply only to protected lands and defense facilities;
  • per day, one angler can catch 5-10 kg of fish, each region will set this indicator independently;
  • from the reservoir, everyone can take with them no more than twice the allowed norm per person;
  • separately established restrictions on the catch of pike perch, catfish and carp, in case of violation, a fine is imposed at least 5 rubles;
  • reduce the number of paid reservoirs to no more than 10% of the total.

In addition, a nominal fishing ticket is being introduced, according to which it will be possible to fish in different regions without problems, except for payers.

The restrictions have been sorted out, the measurements of the length of the catch have been found out, now nothing threatens anyone, unless, of course, one strictly adheres to the letter of the law.

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